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  1. S

    What's The Best Snail To Eat Algae In A Guppy Tank?

    until recently the algae has been kept in check by small ramshorn snails in my guppy tank, but recently the snail numbers have declined and the algae has returned.. the guppys are the only fish in the tank, they are breeding so i dont want to put any algae eating fish that may eat the babies in...
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    Can I Keep Discus?

    if you look at the fish it's obvious to see if they'll go in the tank or not - yes 15g per adult discus is important, but younger ones don't require as much space earlier in their lives, and some discus never get above 6" anyway so 10g per fish would even be suitable for them at that stage. as...
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    Horrible Picture, Beware

    the pics are still there, for some reason i can only open them with internet explorer, firefox isn't keen on the site, and can you blame it?!?!
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    Ugh! I Think I Saw A Worm!

    not sure i just caught it wiggling, not gravel vac-ing at moment because of new fry, considering taking the gravel out and having it bare bottomed now tho :S
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    Murder Mystery

    i got a gourami and 2 blackskirt tetras together with a 2nd hand tank, the gourami was an evil sh....fishy and used to chase everything! it has gone blind/cloudy eyed and would feel out for the other fish and "grab" them, saw it doing this with a few tiny tetras before i figured, she probably...
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    What Else Could You Do With A Fish Tank?

    i've no idea but i think i should go check on fish-r-fancy n make sure all flows/tastes well mmm
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    Discus And Endlers

    nice answers, thanks :) on reading them i think i'll skip the endlers now, is there anything else that anyone can recommend to go with them? the tanks aren't actually overstocked, i'm supposing you're looking straight at the angel tank too lol they're babies yet and defo getting upgraded as they...
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    Discus And Endlers

    that ones a cutie... my discus are only young at the moment, once they were large enough to be snacking on tankmates the tankmates would change homes to another of my tanks. apart from temperature all my tanks have the same water values as the local guy i got my discus from only used regular...
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    Endlers And Discus

    they're not adults yet, if i did get smaller fish would remove them to another tank by the time snack time might start. what do people here keep with their adult discus? btw i got my discus from a local guy who only ever kept them in regular dechlorinated tapwater - he tried ro with no sucess -...
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    Discus And Endlers

    anyone ever tried this combination? a few people have recommended guppies with discus but i've already got those, want to try something slightly different :)
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    Endlers And Discus

    anyone ever tried this combination? a few people have recommended guppies with discus but i've already got those, want to try something slightly different :)
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    Omg Omg Omg

    my first lot of guppy babies were on liquifry for the first few weeks of their lives and have grown to be very healthy, started introducing tiny pieces of crushed flake after the first week, they weren't interested at first but once they tried the flakes for themselves they loved them :) word of...
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    How And Why U Came To Tff

    was searching for info on some fish or another, found a really good topic here, read the forum and decided it seemed like a good place to chat :)
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    What Kind Of Eggs Are These?

    lodgers on plants tend to be snails, but hey ya never know, good luck :)
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    Buying Fish From The Chain Pet Store Or The Family-owned Aquatics Stor

    without seeing the fish it's difficult to say - but if they look healthy and the store has a good reputation then i'd choose that place. my lfs is awful, my mate wouldn't believe me for months, he got a couple of fish there last week and now all his others are dead... he believes me now. my...
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    Fishless Cycle

    adding them all at once would probably be bio overload, many people do use fishless cycling though :)
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    Sweet Pictures

    :lol: :good:
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    Tb In My Tank.

    i had a couple of tetras die a while back of what i think was tb - never officially diagnosed though so can't be sure. one of my other tetras still has the typical chunky s shape body but is otherwise healthy, it's been that way for 6 months or so now and although it's a worry it could infect...
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    What Backgrounds Do You Have?

    i just have printed ones of rocks plants bogwood and marinescape, the 3d's are cool though :)
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    Pets At Home Gravel

    p@h products seem ok, it's just the inexperienced staff that people complain about lol
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    The Most Gentle/peacful/ Least Agressive Fish

    corys or some small tetras
  22. S

    Ugh! I Think I Saw A Worm!

    one of my 'baby' guppies has had babies, and i was watching another of the (older) babies and basically it pooped and then a lil white bit started wriggling back towards the poo... it was absolutely tiny but i'm quite sure it was a worm! what's the best stuff to treat this in a guppy only tank...
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    Urgent Help! Fluval 2 Fuse?

    that would be telling ;)
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    My Idea

    still, blacks better than neon pink/green, right? :lol:
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    My Idea

    i was wondering whether to do a similar thing with my marbled angel fish, never got round to it though hmmm
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    My Idea

    track down some albino guppies & angelfish, some white skirt tetras too.. 70L is about 15 uk gallons :good: ...and what's so funny about white sailfins? :S
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    How Long Do You Think These Fish Will Last? bangs head on wall.... :dunno: need more space... fish are happy... pigs can fly :shout: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!! :shout: and while we're here, how many goldfish do you think will fit it a 6x6x7 tank...
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    My Idea

    can you get mollies in white or just silver?maybe a few of those. i wouldnt go for the frogs they'll end up eating all the fish and growing too big blurgh
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    Urgent Help! Fluval 2 Fuse?

    hehe i love that panda the filter's doing brilliantly, i hate being blonde though... :thanks:
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    i like the seashell idea it should look pretty too :)
  31. S Are These The Same?

    kh is what controls ph,
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    id worry most about the doors - if they cant close does that mean the middle of the top of your stand is dropping? that would mean the weight on top won't be distributed evenly so it could collapse or the tank could crack eek, good luck anyway hope all works ok :)
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    Urgent Help! Fluval 2 Fuse?

    got a 3 in, put it in a bowl of water with my hand 1st though lol thanks 4 help :)
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    Urgent Help! Fluval 2 Fuse?

    thats what im suspecting, just tryna find out for sure though :unsure: :thanks:
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    Any One Have A Fluval 2+ ?

    what fuse does it take? :unsure: need a new fuse for my 2nd hand one, don't wanna fry the fish though!
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    Urgent Help! Fluval 2 Fuse?

    surely someone has one? says 3/250ac on the plug if that means anything, don't wanna electrocute my babies though!please?
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    Urgent Help! Fluval 2 Fuse?

    :unsure: which fuse does a fluval 2 plus take in uk? just got one 2nd hand and there's no fuse in it :unsure: thanks
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    How Long Do You Think These Fish Will Last?

    anyone with a bit of comon sense would look into what fish they're buying and how fast they'll grow though! i first got tiny goldies in a 10L but i knew i had to upgrade them within a month or so!they then got the 96L but it came with free fish so they got mates lol they're ok in there for...
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    Please Name That Discus!

    not actually got a light in that tank yet, got one on it's way to me though :) even with ideal conditions my cams still poop tho! im thinking the lil one will actually be one of those with the mottled red white body n browny red fins, it's still got a load of growing to do yet though :)