The Most Gentle/peacful/ Least Agressive Fish

Aug 20, 2006
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Calgary Alberta
What do you think it is? I have posted before on the most agressive, now i'm wondering what the least aggressive is. Post what you think has the gentalist attitude.
Farlowella cats are incredibly non-aggressive & shy.
Bumble Bee goby, absolutley no agression, harmlessly bumble around the bottom of the tank, gorgeous!
most rainbowfish species, especially those in the psudomugil genus
That i have kept.....

Corydoras (wins hands down)

Guppies (in relation to live-bearers) i find them less aggressive than Swordtails, Mollies and Platies
i would go with cories as well they just seem to get on with life and ignore everything that isnt a cory lol
Corydoras definitely, they even have cuddly sex. Abolutele little darlings.

Guppies can be quite aggressive, I've got some siblings that can't be kept in the same tank, and I had an old female who was a right horror.

But I really don't believe corys are capable of aggression.

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