My Idea


Dec 4, 2006
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Huntingdon, Cambs
I have a 70litre tank that I'm going to set up once I've moved for some smaller fish. My idea is to have an entirely albino tank.

I'm hoping to get black(or very very dark) gravel or sand for the bottom, dark ornaments / wood and try to get as dark plants as poss(probably fake). Then have all albino fish, I think it would look fantastic, any suggestions on some easy to get hold of small albino fish?

My other idea is to get a 150 / 180 litre tank and have a japanese retreat, have a centre section with those lovely japanese pagoda / bridge ornaments you can get with some small white gravel and have either side heavily planted so it's like a little village in the middle of an underwater forest type thing.
Thanks for the suggestions :) anyone got anymore? I just love the idea of a black and white tank(well in reality it will be black, white and a bit of dark green)
how about those albino frogs? I can't think of the nme of them right now and I don't know much about them except that there albino so you will prbably want to double check and make sure that they'd get along with your other fish.
albino frogs wll grow big and eat all your fish. you can get dwarf frogs but not albino ones. I like your ideas though :good:
can you get mollies in white or just silver?maybe a few of those. i wouldnt go for the frogs they'll end up eating all the fish and growing too big blurgh
track down some albino guppies & angelfish, some white skirt tetras too.. 70L is about 15 uk gallons :good:

...and what's so funny about white sailfins? :S
Love the idea of white fish and black gravel - not so keen on albinos though, I don't like the pink eyes. I'd have to go with white platys and when the tank was mature - panda corys. Oooh - and moonlight gouramis .............. but then it would have to be a bigger tank .........Oh well - back to the drawing board.
cool idea. get a black light :lol:

you should look for cavefish online or something. i think they sell them, but i could be wrong.

EDIT: new idea, get some glowing fish. like some tetras or something. that would look cool too.
Just a word of caution, some pale fish wont be happy on a black substrate. None of my plecs liked it (so the albino bristlenose might be a prob - although it depends on the individual), and only one of them was albino (bristlenose). I had to add back in normal coloured gravel until they got over the shock lol. My gibby went black at the time to attempt to camouflage and didn't change back til we altered the gravel.
I think that would look fantastic! Esp if you have very modern decor, with some black and white framed photography hanging in the same room :)

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