Can I Keep Discus?

To both KimA and TheGodfather

You guys could always just put a few in and get a pair and once you get a pair then sell the others off. Although I think this was mentionerd before someone missed out a little information. You can always just take the eggs and flush them down the toilet as Tolak has mentioned with breeding Angels, only 10% or the eggs ever make it. Get a nice pair, 10 cardinals and a peaceful angel and I think you would be okay (although im not sure if your tank is more tehn 18 inches tall). Just make sure, because like Tolak mentioned this is your first time, don't rush into it, make sure you have a back-up plan and try to do 25-40% water changes atleast twice a week (the tank will be overstocked when getting the Discus to pair). Agian I would only recommend doing this if you know that your tank is 18 or more inches tall. I do not own Discus yet but I will have a nice 55g by the end of the month.
if you look at the fish it's obvious to see if they'll go in the tank or not - yes 15g per adult discus is important, but younger ones don't require as much space earlier in their lives, and some discus never get above 6" anyway so 10g per fish would even be suitable for them at that stage. as long as you're willing to rehome them if and when needed either by upgrading their tank or selling them on, and you make sure they're clean well fed and have a large enough tank in preportion to their size, you're swimming happy :)
if you look at the fish it's obvious to see if they'll go in the tank or not - yes 15g per adult discus is important, but younger ones don't require as much space earlier in their lives, and some discus never get above 6" anyway so 10g per fish would even be suitable for them at that stage. as long as you're willing to rehome them if and when needed either by upgrading their tank or selling them on, and you make sure they're clean well fed and have a large enough tank in preportion to their size, you're swimming happy :)

I think this was laready mentioned, and I don't think either are too fond of giving away there Discus. I still think my way is the best if you want to keep Discus :p

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