What Else Could You Do With A Fish Tank?


Fish Herder
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
Albury, Ware, Herts, UK
I was answering a question earlier in the beginners forum about whether someone should use a damaged tank or not and we got on to the subject of what else to do with it. I suggested filling it with popcorn and standing outside the cinema to make a few bucks.

Any other suggestions?

Putting gravel in it and putting it in the living room as a 'reminder'. :shifty: It'll probably have a better effect if it's right in the way, especially for larger tanks. :rolleyes:
Fill it with milk and crunchy nut cornflakes and eat breakfast out of it.....that's what I'd do.

Though if its damaged and leaking that may not be such a good idea, wouldn't want milk everywhere.

So if it is leaking, I'd use it as tank a for breeding £20 notes.
If it was leaking then I would place it in a giant bowl (or one of those kiddy pool things) and fill it up to the top with melted choclate and let the melted chocolate all pour out the holes and cracks in the tank. Ta da! an instant chocolate fountain, just what I always dreamed of!
You could... Throw it away and buy a new one and put some fish in it rather than wasting it on other things.. Thats what we all really want hehe
Put gravel, plastic plants and plastic fishies in it. Then pretend to feed and talk to the fishies once in a while, until he/she who holds the gold (husband? wife? parents?) takes pity on you and buys you a new tank. Or sends you to the looney bin.
Brb broken tank need attending...
not sure what I would do, but I certainly know what my cats do with anything shaped like that. They would probably prefer something to cover up the sides, though.
Well, the LOGICAL answer is to use it for a lizard habitat...

But that would be boring! So, you could break it into pieces and use them to slice your bread :)
Fill it full of soil and keep moles in it
humm this would proberly only work once but would be ausome

place tank at top of a large staircase
sit in tank
slide down stairs at amazing speeds
crash into dude at the bottom who broke the tank in the first place
steel his wallet and buy a new tank a bigger one!!!


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