How And Why U Came To Tff


Fish Herder
Dec 23, 2005
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i was just wondering how and why others came to the tropical fish forums.
my reason was due to me looking for information on cockatoo apistos that i wanted.i typed "fishforums" and pop now im a member.haha

ur reason........?
was searching for info on some fish or another, found a really good topic here, read the forum and decided it seemed like a good place to chat :)
Searching info on guppies. Came across this one and another tropical forum and a guppy forum. This one was the best by far.
I was googling something about livebearers and their bazillion fry ( probably didn't use those exact terms :lol: ) and this link from Annastasia came up. I clicked on "full version" and voila! a fishy forum! So there I was/here I am :lol:
Wanted a forum to Googled 'Tropical Fish Forum' - TFF was top o' the list.

This was AFTER I got a tank and bunged some fish in of course.... Fishies survived the LFS advice! :shout:

I cant remember exactly how I came about finding TFF, but I think I was bored, and my Introduction thread basically says it all:

I did join some time ago last yr but have just decided to share some thoughts with people who share the same hobby.

:good: And Ive been here ever since, sharing thoughts with people who share the same hobby! :shifty:
I was looking for help and guidence on starting a reef tank.. and BAM!!!!!!!!!! This forum jabbed right in my eyes...
Ian showed me it shortly after we got together, think he was shown it by Sp00ky
was looking for info on tanks and setting them up,typed in google and this forum came up,been here ever since lol
searched tropical fish and found here
mlarson ( forum contributor and friend ) told me about the forum and after that I was hooked! Best forum around!
I wanted to join a forum for help and advice on fish keeping, as I was clueless when starting out. Typed "fish forum" into google and this came up!
when i was looking for information about my BN plec and how to raise the fry he was guarding at the time, glad i found this place, really helped me with the fry :good:
Needed help with a female Betta and came across this site with a google search. Glad I did!!
We couldnt keep pets in our rented house, and I'm a bit allergic to fur so we had to pick "easy" pets. My housemate suggested fish and we bought a tank and got into it. We're a bit addicted to internet forums and wanted to know about other people keeping fish and loving them like wee babies so we searched google and found this place. We've never looked back since. :rolleyes: We love you guys!

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