What Kind Of Eggs Are These?


New Member
Jun 17, 2005
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Fresyes, CA
I normally dont post, just read. But I've got a question and I am hoping someone can help. I've got some eggs on a piece of Jungle Val I purchased, and I have no idea what kind they are. I remember having tons of those little snails that do nothing but breed and quickly overpopulate the tank. I remember they had tiny eggs that were more clear. Can anyone tell what these are? Maybe a larger snail? Maybe a disease?


And a closer look...


Any ideas?
Probably pond snails, send them my way. My clown loaches love those things! :hyper:
they don't look like snail eggs to me. Snail eggs are usually black dots encased in a lump of snot like stuff.
What fish have you got in your tank?
1 trip to his profile later

1 - Koi Angel

5 - Cherry Barbs

4 - Black Mollies

2 - Leopard Danios

1 - Silver-Tip Tetra

1 - Sailfin Pleco
They look identical to the pest snails eggs i kept getting until my Betta discovered that he likes the taste of them.

jelly with white dots in it.
I don't think they're snail eggs, but I could be wrong. Out of the fish you have, I'd say possibly cherry barbs, though I've never actually seen them.
Yeah, I know... that was a lot of help!

Cheery barbs are egg scatterers...

Besides - I think they are saying the eggs came on the plant when they bought it...
Thanks for the replies.

I hope these things are pond snails...as long as pond snails are larger snails that don't litter aquariums.

What fish have you got in your tank?
My profile is a little old. That tank of fish seems like a lifetime ago. I've actually just now completed the cycle of my tank, but have no fish at the moment.

They look identical to the pest snails eggs i kept getting until my Betta discovered that he likes the taste of them.

jelly with white dots in it.
I hope you're wrong, but I have a feeling you're right.

I don't think they're snail eggs, but I could be wrong. Out of the fish you have, I'd say possibly cherry barbs, though I've never actually seen them.
Yeah, I know... that was a lot of help!
Anything helps.

Cheery barbs are egg scatterers...

Besides - I think they are saying the eggs came on the plant when they bought it...
Finally, yep. They came on the plant when I purchased it. It's from http://www.aquariumplants.com/. I bought from them a long time ago and got some hitch-hikers that I liked, I am just wondering if these will be ones that I want to keep and not flush.
I would personally remove the eggs or, if you have a spare tank, put the plant in there and see what the eggs become...
I'm 95% sure their not snail eggs unless it's something I've never seen before.

So no fish as yet and came on the plants....
I would remove them as well, could be an insect i guess. Some will happily eat small fish if it is.
Thanks, Corin and helter. I wasn't wanting to do that, but I guess I will get rid of them. Hopefully they aren't anything neat.

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