Horrible Picture, Beware

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I did get the pictures to show up in the post. First I right clicked the red x, then properties, then copied that and pasted it to my search engine. After that, I again right clicked the red x while in the post and then clicked show picture and it appeared in the post.

And that is horrible, downright cruel. Those are goldfish, correct?

Kind of a sore spot with me because I'm a goldfish lover and I'm sick and tired of them being treated like the second class citizens of the fish world, or worse yet, disposable fish. I do keep tropicals, I love my tropicals and put a lot of work into them, but it's my golds that have my heart first and foremost, especially the orandas. When given the proper treatment, even the "lowly" feeder gold or carnival gold can become a real beauty.
Those are goldfish, correct?

I believe they're parrot cichlids, but still horrible none the less. I would think if they're dying all the time and the restaurant has to keep replacing them it would get pretty expensive...expensive enough that they might as well just get the proper equipment for it and maintain it the right way!!
Those are goldfish, correct?

I believe they're parrot cichlids, but still horrible none the less. I would think if they're dying all the time and the restaurant has to keep replacing them it would get pretty expensive...expensive enough that they might as well just get the proper equipment for it and maintain it the right way!!

Parrot cidlids, golffish, either way, don't matter, still cruel. And you are right, better to put the money into proper care than replacing the fish. Cheaper in the long run and happier fish to boot. Personally, I wouldn't be able to eat their knowing the fate of those poor fish.
the pics are still there, for some reason i can only open them with internet explorer, firefox isn't keen on the site, and can you blame it?!?!
that is revolting, those fish do not diserve to be treated in that manner

Heres the Images for everyone to see.

Must be in excess of 200 hundred fish in it.

those are parrot fish.its horrid!
although it would be cool to have a tank like that if you could figure out how to filter and all the basic aquarium stuff.
could look really nice...horrible though! think it would be intented for people to look at who dont know better
Cool tank, horrible fish inside D: It must be expensive to buy so many fish every week...
would need a filter on the bottom and 1 think a long pipe down the middle that sucks all the way along and takes the watre to the top and filters it that way :)

typical japan no care 4 any other living creature...
thats bloody rediculess, what a poor way for fish to die, it would be much better for the buisness to care for the tank properly,cheaper aswell, why cant they just look after a few fish rather than having to replace them every week, i dont even think it looks that good, but that just shows you what some cruel people treat fish like, a decoration.they are much more than that.
Sadly Asia in general isn't renowned for its standards of animal care... :(

One reason why the olympics in Bjeing is not a good idea - the authorities rather than neutering stray dogs/cats have been putting them down to 'tidy' the place up.... with cats when you do that all that happens is more cats will move into the vacated teritory.
Im stupid but I still cant see the pic.. I don t see a box with an x.. I am using firefox does this make a difference/

ok I saw it.. I just threw up in my mouth ... thats sad... Your right though about asia pet care. If it isnt a bonsai tree they eat it.. lol
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