Search results

  1. M

    Vanishing Pleco

    I have a bristlenose that is around 5 inches long, and I can never find her. She turns up at feeding time just before lights out.
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    Bogwood And Bubbles

    The bubbles will potentially increase the amount of water that moves past the bogwood, and may contribute to the water going brown faster. It may also be that hte tannins are leaching out of the wood more as the tank water penetrates it further. How long have you had the wood in the tank?
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    Your Latest Fish Deaths

    Name: Guppy Species: Guppy Age: No idea - about 12 months in my tank. Date bought: about 12 months ago Date died: This morning - was still kicking last night but very weak.
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    Will Malachite Green Stain My Tanks Ornaments And Sand?

    The staining will not go away, but the meds will not cause long term harm as it is just the colour in them that hangs around.
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    Will Malachite Green Stain My Tanks Ornaments And Sand?

    It will also probably stain the sealant holding the tank together green too - well it did for me anyway.
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    Who Else Has To Change There Clothes After A Water Change

    My fun experience over the weekend with a water change was that I forgot the syphon head I was using had a one way valve in it. When I turned the water flow around on the python to fill the tank, the water pressure popped the hose off the syphon head, the hose came out of the tank and a few...
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    Bad People

    Perserverence works too - my partner was someone who used to think fish got as big as their tank - but recently, she's been pointing out poor conditions at the pet shops in the area :).
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    If U Live In Australia

    Here's mine - details in sig. I'm in Canberra.
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    Who's The Digger Then In My Tank....?

    My bristlenose does a lot of aquascaping for me in the tank - she shifts a lot of gravel around after a water change. I would guess it is that. The cories would be contributing too though I think.
  10. M

    Bit Excited - Updated - She's Home

    Thanks l.michelle for the nomination anyone want to second it LOL She did very well last night with the hordes for dinner. She was a bit wary of the very noisy 1 year old, but was happy to lap up the attention and dole out kisses to anyone who wanted one. We have found out one of her quirks -...
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    Bit Excited - Updated - She's Home

    The "cropped" look is just that. I do not support dropping, and here in Oz, I'm pretty sure it is illegal - as is docking without a damn good reason. I defintiley wouldn't condone either - it was a poor choice of words in hindsight. Anywho we just thought she looked cute with her ears up :)...
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    Bit Excited - Updated - She's Home

    we have a full size pool too - but whe hs only com in to the first step so far. Our pool area is fenced off normally, but she followed my partner in there this morning and ran straight out on the pool cover (solar pool blanket). A quick heart attack from us and her later, and we dragged her out...
  13. M

    Bit Excited - Updated - She's Home

    SHE'S HERE!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: Ears up looking dane like Side on shot in her own pool - she loves this and it is now filthy The two boys who have to get used to their new sister. Cubby (coping OK - shows interest in Maggie, stays at least 1 metre away though): Grover...
  14. M

    House Moving!

    My suggestion is would be to do the tanks last. When we moved, i moved everything else first, and the tank went i the last load with the last of the small stuff. It meant we had the rest of the furniture where we wanted it before moving the tank in - it also meant I could strip it down, move...
  15. M

    Bit Excited - Updated - She's Home

    We had seen her at the shelter a few months ago not longe after she was first returned. She was a chubbier then, and looked more dane like. The picture I have her isn't a good one, the RSPCA has her described as a Great Dane cross - with the second breed as a staffie. I will post some more pics...
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    Bit Excited - Updated - She's Home

    Thanks all for your kind comments. We spent last night getting the yard ready for her. Went out and bought some shade cloth to close in our back verandah a little and give her more shade options. It will be 38 degrees C here this weekend. She is a very leggy dog. Her head is about my hip...
  17. M

    Bit Excited - Updated - She's Home

    Just heard from the RSPCA - we have been successful in our application and get to pick her up on Saturday at 9 am :hyper:
  18. M

    Bit Excited - Updated - She's Home

    We liked the look of another dog too- but being younger, she already had 3 families on the list for her. Maggie has been at the RSPCA for a couple of months now, so we are happy to be able to save her. The RSPCA here puts down animals that they can't rehome.
  19. M

    Bit Excited - Updated - She's Home

    The inspections are only reasonably recent over here as the shleters are not very big - and they were finding they were seeing the same dogs over and over again (especially the large ones). The girl has already been returned once because the people who first took her bought a new house not long...
  20. M

    Bit Excited - Updated - She's Home

    Forgive me but i'm a little exceited !!!! :hyper: We have applied to adopt a dog from our local RSPCA shelter. She is a Great Dane X named Maggie - supposedlyt crossed with a staffordshire bull terrier -but I don't see it. Anyway - this is her She's a little thin right now, but we'll...
  21. M

    How Do You Clean Your Aquarium?

    I have 2 heads for my gravel vac - one is a large square openeing that has a plastic cap with many small holes in it that can be used for large open areas. The other has a narrower oval opening I use around my plants. For what it's worth, I don't take my fish out or my plants, and while I have...
  22. M

    Heat Wave Making The Tank Very Hot..

    Last summer here in canberra when it was 40+, my tank (215L) would reach temps of 33-34 degrees. I lost no fish, and you can see what I have from my profile/sig. I was told about using ice and so on to control temperatures, but I found my temps were fluctuating widely because I could not keep...
  23. M

    How Long Do You Spend In Front Of Your Tank Per Day?

    My tank is in the loungeroom right next to MY chair. I spend more time watching the tank of an evening than the TV. Probably sit in front of it for 3-4 hours a day.
  24. M

    Aquaone! Aquaone! Aquaone!

    I have the Aquaone 980 (215L). I love it - easy to maintain, looks great, but haven't been looking for parts yet everything still works well after 18 months). You can see how it looks currently here:
  25. M

    Your Experience With These Several Fish

    My cardinals don't nip either - I have about 17-18 of them. Had them with dwarf gouramis at one point too.
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    Some More Piccies

    Thanks. THe sword I removed was over 2 feet tall, and a similar width. It was casting too much shade for the new leaves to do well at thebase of the plant, so I decided it was time to sacrifice it in the interests of more swimming space. The one in there now is probably 1.5-1.7 feet tall now...
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    350 Gallon Aquarium

    God I wish my floor could handle a tank that big. Looks great.
  28. M

    Some More Piccies

    I know I posted piccies recently, but these were taken today after I have pruned and removed a few plants a few days ago. So I've decided to share them with you. I got rid of my large sword (it was about 2 times the size of the large one still in there) as it was taking up too much space. The...
  29. M

    What's The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Seen A Fish Eat..

    On a pier in Darwin - people throw their dinner scraps over the side all the time for a host of barramundi and sunfish to nibble on. These scraps are generally deep fried sea food, with occasionally a little salad and dressing as well.
  30. M

    Success! Evil Tesco Office Aquarium Taken Off Market!

    Unfortunately - there are going to be plenty of other offenders out there - this is one I ran across in Australia not long ago:
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    Posting Fish?

    Sometimes I think Antarctica has a better postal system than we do.
  32. M

    Posting Fish?

    Bozza, you are not allowed to list live animals on the australian ebay site. The AUS ebay rules: Live Animals: Live animals and pets may not be listed on eBay. The US Ebay rules: Live...
  33. M

    What Would You Put In My Tank

    I find this comment interesting. I originally bought 4 ottos for my tank, lost 3 of them, and then bought 3 more. Of the new 3, I lost 1 more, but the remaining three can always be found hanging out together, feeding together and will frantically dart around the tank looking for one another if...
  34. M

    Can Someone Identify This Shark/catfish?

    Got a swimming pool? Start converting it.
  35. M

    Some Advice Please On Lighting And Co2

    Thanks zig - I should've known better - I've been around here long enough to remember to look at the pinned articles, they didn't even enter my mind. Will go have a read.
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    Some Advice Please On Lighting And Co2

    As my budget wont stretch to full on CO2 systems, and I have no inclination to DIY it initially (trust me, I WILL screw it up), I wouldlike some advice from you experienced plant guys. I've just put a thread in the member aquairums section here: details of my tank are in the first post, and...
  37. M

    What Temperature Do You Try To Keep Your Tank At?

    26C here, which is maintainable in Winter (if your tank drops much in cooler months, maybe your heater isn't big enough???) Anyway - last summer, my tank hovered around 32C for a few weeks without any losses either. Shuold be better this summer as we now have ducted cooling in our new house.
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    None Sinking Food?

    The pellets I fed my bettas when I had them floated only for a lttle while. Once they become waterlogged, they sank. I think you'll find this is the case with just about anything you put in the water. It may float for a little while - a few minutes or so, but will eventually sink. As miriena...
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    Filter Name Question

    Thanks for the info - I appreciate it. Apology accepted - I am a member of many forums, not just fish related. In my experience, most people come to these forums as focus points for certain areas of interest and I believe that the members in general are there to help others, or learn more...
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    From Set Up To Today

    Sorry for not replying earlier - my brother got married yesterday and I've been very busy as his best man. The liquid fertiliser I'm currently using is called TetraPlant FloraPride from a company called Tetra. I ahve used others in the past, but I can't remember what they are called. The...