What's The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Seen A Fish Eat..


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2004
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Cardiff, Wales, UK (not australia)
On holiday me and my family went on a boat trip in Greece and some guys chucked a cheese roll, a banana and a ring doughnut into the sea and funny enough about 200 fish came up to the surface and they finished them all off within about a minute.

Supposidly some kid from my old highschool was supposed to have put a bit of his chicken burger with mayo into some fishtanks at a pet shop and some of the fish constantly kept coming back and nibbling on it with gusto.
Chewing gum!!! i was at the local aquarium with my 2 boys and we were at the ray pool, it had a mesh like bridge to walk over and we were walking along and stopped for a overhead view...my youngest boy then shouted oh no..i was completed horrified to see a large blob of pink hubba bubba sink into the pool, swiftly to be gobbled up by one oif the tank mates.. :stupid:
It should perhaps be mentioned here that feeding fish anything containing fats from birds or mammals is a bad idea. These are liquid in warm blooded animals but solid in cold blooded things like fish. Solid fats inside a fish impair its digestive system and block up all the "pipework" inside the poor creature. So lay off anything like chicken, cheese, beef, etc.

The important exception is beef heart, which, being cardiac muscle, doesn't have fat inside it, and so doesn't cause these problems. That's why it's widely used to feed fish.


Guppies tried to eat my hand


At my friends house they had about 10 guppies in a 20g tank and I saw something in there, I think it was a leaf, so I put my hand in and all the guppies came over and started pecking at my fingers. It was hilarious! It didn't hurt at all, but you could still feel it. I fed them right after and they ate a LOT of food. I guess she hasn't fed her fish for a while.
i find it funny when one of my 6 banded barbs or 1 of my black phantoms picks up a sinking plec pellet and carries it round, has not chance of eating it as the pellet is about 1/4th its size. funny to look at though as it scoots around the tank, its like me trying to eat a basketball.
On a pier in Darwin - people throw their dinner scraps over the side all the time for a host of barramundi and sunfish to nibble on.

These scraps are generally deep fried sea food, with occasionally a little salad and dressing as well.
My two eels shed there skin about every week. My rainbows go crazy and eat it :sick: . They can tell which one is going to shed and they mob around it like dogs. The stuff looks and feels like snot :sick:.

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