Posting Fish?

For livestock ...if he is doing things right he should be using polystrrene boxes with extra internal insulation and a 60hr heatpack. Contact the seller if you are concerned about his methods.
You can sell anything. Only for livestock the seller will tell you if he/she ships internationally.
and will price his postage costs to take this into consideration.
Bozza, you are not allowed to list live animals on the australian ebay site.

The AUS ebay rules:
Live Animals: Live animals and pets may not be listed on eBay.

The US Ebay rules:
Live Animals: Other than the exceptions noted here, eBay does not allow sales of live animals or pets on eBay. eBay allows sales of tropical fish and domestic (i.e. not exotic) aquatic snails, provided the seller has the proper Federal (APHIS PPQ) - see Form 526 info below) and/or State permit(s) that allows for movement across State lines (and/or for importation into the U. S.), and provided that the seller guarantees in the listing that the animals will be packaged safely, and shipped via next day delivery.

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service allows five species of snails to be imported and sold as escargot: Cantareus apertus (Helix aperta), Cryptomphalus aspersus (Helix aspersa), Eobania vermiculata (Otala vermiculata), Helix pomatia, and Otala lactea; and requires their importation to take place through John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York where identifiers will confirm the identity of live snails.

The UK Ebay rules:
Live Animals

Live animals or pets other than the exceptions noted here, may not be listed on eBay. The sales of the following items are permitted, provided that the seller guarantees in the listing that the animals will be packaged safely and posted via next day delivery.

* Aquarium or pond fish, snails or similar creatures.
* Lobsters, crabs, shellfish and other similar creatures that are live when sold but intended for human consumption.
* Live insects, crickets and worms used as bait or feeder food for pets.

EDIT: I believe the aussie rules are in place because of legislation and RSPCA guidelines. We also have a landmass almost as big as the US, but without the infrastructure to do "next day deliveries" to most parts of the country.
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Basically, if the seller is any good, the fish will be posted in plastic bags, separately if it is a fish at all likely to fight, with enough water and plenty of oxygen, then packed in polystyrene boxes, then surrounded by padding, with a heat pack if needed and all this packed securely in a cardboard box. This is certainly no worse than for the fish fare to be sent to an lfs.
Thanks moeldner, i thought that would of been a problem. Yes america has a very advanced transport system compared to us.

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