How Long Do You Spend In Front Of Your Tank Per Day?


far too long...

About half an hour in the morning while i have coffee, I come how some lunchtimes, so an hour then... and a couple of hours in the evening.

MY nearest LFS is pets at home - so not many visits... There's no good shops close to the centre of norwich, and i haven't got a car... if i did, I'd be all over the place!
Too much time spent in front of my aquarium.Wife is always nagging me says I spend more time w/those "Damn Fish" than her(it's True)LOL.To me its like TV only better it's always on the channel I want and no one can change it.Mine is in my bedroom right at the foot of the bed so I can "sleep with the fishes" :lol: Not counting sleeping time I'm probably at about 3 hours a day during work days and maybe 5 on the weekends.Sad I know! :D

I know what you mean. My wife wanted a tank, and I was saying No No No. I gave She thought it was just buy a tank, buy some fish. feed them once or twice a day...Jobs a good'un. Unfortunately we all know better and guess who does all the work now. lol. I am glad I gave in thing I ever got into.

Also she is portuguese and the lounge always has portuguese channels on, the fish are my escape from the language fer...fer...fer...fer. I don't understand a word of it.

She and your f***** fish. you never spend time in here with your family, but with a choice of sitting in a room with foreign TV on all day, and a fish tank to gaze into and admire and chill to. what would you do?
For main tank in living room:- Approx 1hr in mornings when come home from work while watching tv, then 1/2hr before work each nite, also have a nano tank beside my computer which im setting up, usually spend 1hr at computer after tea so during week approx 2 1/2hr. At weekend much longer as i spend most of my time in either living room or on computer. Setting up a marine tank at end of month so will have more too look at then.
As for lfs maybe once a fortnight more if i need something, was in 4 different ones over weekend there. :good:
:blink: Wow, my tank is also set up next to my desk, and it also is ironically wedged in between my desk and my bed. Including when I can't fall asleep, I spend about 5 hours looking at it daily. I think I need to find something to do lol. :blink:
I think I only spend a hour-hour with both tanks a day during the week. On the weekends, besides doing maintenance, I spend about an hour a day total watching both. Work has been owning me lately, but then again they do pay me.
Too long!! All of my tanks are in my living room so get to look at them quite a lot, not complaining though!
Too much time spent in front of my aquarium.Wife is always nagging me says I spend more time w/those "Damn Fish" than her(it's True)LOL.To me its like TV only better it's always on the channel I want and no one can change it.Mine is in my bedroom right at the foot of the bed so I can "sleep with the fishes" :lol: Not counting sleeping time I'm probably at about 3 hours a day during work days and maybe 5 on the weekends.Sad I know! :D
I know what you mean :hyper:

Probably around 1-2 hours a day when i'm at work.

When i'm at home more like 3-4.
sounds more like me. if my little "M" is up all night about 8 hours.
My tank is in the loungeroom right next to MY chair. I spend more time watching the tank of an evening than the TV. Probably sit in front of it for 3-4 hours a day.
in my computer room i keep my central american cichlid tank so it gets any where from 30 minutes to 1.5 hrs , in the liveing room i have the african cichlid tank and it gets 1 to 2 hrs a day. As far as the fish store it varies , i can go everyday for a couple of weeks or go once every 3 weeks , it depends on the pocket book and what the wife lets me spend lol.
My tank is in the living room with the TV. I usually spend time in my room which has the computer and another TV. So I only spend about 10 minutes a day looking at my tank. Parents however spend a few hours infront of it since they watch TV in the living room.

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