What Would You Put In My Tank


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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It's a 29 gallon tank with a 3" and 4" full grown angels, 4 adult harlequin rasboras sligtly over an inch, 1 tiny oto (only one left), and one 3" BN pleco. It's filtered with a bio-wheel 200 and I'm considering buying another bio-wheel 100 or aquaclear with 100gph.
Are you sure they're fully grown or do you just think they are, they get bigger than that my friend.
I meant a 3" and a 4" angel and yes they are fully grown since they are over 11 years old and mate every two weeks. Sorry about that The female is significantly smaller than the other, I'm not including the tail either. I was just wondering if you guys think if it's overstocked, I think it's about right. I originally had 6 harlequin though two died and I haven't been able to find heathly ones to replace them and I had bought a four otos but three died and I'v heard that if i buy another one they won't care about each other and leave each other alone and my guppies have all died except this one and he just plays and swims with the rasboras. Thats the story on the stocking basically so there shouldn't be any question there. O the angels are so old because they were my grandpas but he died and i got one of his tanks and some of his fish and those are two of his.

O whoops I though you said I was certainly overstocked georgefarmer by bad.
11 years old? wow, at 3" and 4" at 11 years it seems like they mustve been stunted some time in their lives. Anyway no it's not overstocked. You might even be able to get a small catfish or something in there.
Is that 3" & 4" body size without fins, or including fins?
Ya without fins, they were in a 29 gallon with six angels total and three small cory catfish filtered with a penguin bio-wheel 150. Two died in the move, and four are still living now. I don't know what my grandpa did in water changes but they were in good condition all various sizes. The size is an estimate since they never come near the front glass always staying in the back gaurding there breeding grounds the larger one might be larger than 4" but it's an estimate. When my dad gets a digital camera I post a pic of them wtih something to compare it's size to.
Think a banjo catfish would be ok if I got another filter penguin bio=wheel 100 so i have 10x my tank gallons
Ok so if anybody had my tank with the current requirements and fish what fish would you get, I need some ideas because when I go out to the fishstores I can't be researching the fish and I can only go once for awhile so I need to know what i can get when I go. so here it is:
Tank 29gallons
Filteration Penguin bio-wheel 200
2 angels
1 guppy
1 BN pleco
4 harlequin rasboras
1 oto
I would get a few more Harlequins. They'll feel safer in a group and they'll be happier. Try to bring their numbers up to about 8.
I had bought a four otos but three died and I'v heard that if i buy another one they won't care about each other and leave each other alone

I find this comment interesting. I originally bought 4 ottos for my tank, lost 3 of them, and then bought 3 more.
Of the new 3, I lost 1 more, but the remaining three can always be found hanging out together, feeding together and will frantically dart around the tank looking for one another if they become separated.

They all came from the same store, but from 2 different shipments to the store.
some kind of catfish maby? corys are realy cute, what about a few german rams?

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