Bit Excited - Updated - She's Home


Fish Crazy
Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
Forgive me but i'm a little exceited !!!! :hyper:

We have applied to adopt a dog from our local RSPCA shelter. She is a Great Dane X named Maggie - supposedlyt crossed with a staffordshire bull terrier -but I don't see it.

Anyway - this is her


She's a little thin right now, but we'll soon fix that up. Before we get her - we need to go through a phone interview and yard inspection, but I don't think they will be a problem.

Can't wait :D
Great looking dog!

And i wish they would make some people over here go through all those inspections. Its good to see another one rescued.
The inspections are only reasonably recent over here as the shleters are not very big - and they were finding they were seeing the same dogs over and over again (especially the large ones).

The girl has already been returned once because the people who first took her bought a new house not long after adopting her adn the new house was too small. She is about 12 months old now, but is a real sweetie.
That's awesome, congrats! I love it when people adopt somewhat older animals instead of the cute little puppies everyone wants :)
That's awesome, congrats! I love it when people adopt somewhat older animals instead of the cute little puppies everyone wants :)

We liked the look of another dog too- but being younger, she already had 3 families on the list for her. Maggie has been at the RSPCA for a couple of months now, so we are happy to be able to save her. The RSPCA here puts down animals that they can't rehome.
:wub: She is gorgeous. I am sure she'll bring you loads of happiness. Can't wait for you're pics of her settled into her new home.

I can see a lot of Staffie in her - look at the ears and forehead! :wub: Corr she's lovely. If she was over here, and a boy, I'd be very tempted myself. :wub: Congratulations.
awwwww lovely doggie

i can't wait to move so we can get one!

congrats i'm sure she'll have a fantastic home with you :good:
Ahhh what a beauty! :wub: Hope she settles in well :good: Can definitely see oodles of Staffie in that face though :nod:

Edit: Spelling
She's beautiful, definitely staffie cross, her feet are so tiny, so cant see any dane in her lol. Unless the pic is misleading and she's 10ft tall! :lol: :wub:

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