Bit Excited - Updated - She's Home

I have a staffy, I completly see staffy in here. She has the stature of a dane, but the way she has her head on the side and her eyes are staffy all over.

Good luck you will have so much fun.
Thanks all for your kind comments.

We spent last night getting the yard ready for her. Went out and bought some shade cloth to close in our back verandah a little and give her more shade options. It will be 38 degrees C here this weekend.

She is a very leggy dog. Her head is about my hip height (I'm 5'11"). SHe is also very thin at the moment as she has just gone through a growth spurt, and the RSPCA can't afford to feed her high qulaity food three times a day to fatten her up. They run pretty lean as it is here as it is funded by public donations. We will soon sort that out though.

Today - I'm looking for a large kennel for her too - she will eventually be an inside/outside dog, but we have to give our 2 cats a chance to get used to the idea of a giant in their world.
You know, the more I look at her, the less I think she has Dane in her. Her feet are tiny for a Dane cross. Lisa may be onto something with the idea of her being sighthound x staffie. Might explain the weight side of things too? Or do you know she's Dane for sure (in which case ignore me *lol*)? :wub:
We had seen her at the shelter a few months ago not longe after she was first returned. She was a chubbier then, and looked more dane like.
The picture I have her isn't a good one, the RSPCA has her described as a Great Dane cross - with the second breed as a staffie.
I will post some more pics this weekend once I have her home and you guys can get a better look at her.

She is about full grown from what we can gather, which may explain why her feet look small. (i.e. she has grown into them). She doesn't look much like a greyhound/lurcher in person - but you'll see that when I get some shots of her standing.

Work is going soooo slowly this week - the waiting is killing me.
SHE'S HERE!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Ears up looking dane like

Side on shot in her own pool - she loves this and it is now filthy

The two boys who have to get used to their new sister.
Cubby (coping OK - shows interest in Maggie, stays at least 1 metre away though):

Grover (been hiding under the bed since maggie arrived this morning):

Maggie is showing no hostility at all to the cats - just a healthy curiosity.
Heres another pic showing her size better (crappy pic though):
:hyper: Yahoo.

Congrats. She is absolutely gorgeous and looks like she is having the time of her life. She looks really settled too. Aaaw, I love her ears, :wub: , very cute.

I'm sure she is going to have a wonderful life, especially with her own little pool :hey: .

Great pics and congrats again.

we have a full size pool too - but whe hs only com in to the first step so far.

Our pool area is fenced off normally, but she followed my partner in there this morning and ran straight out on the pool cover (solar pool blanket). A quick heart attack from us and her later, and we dragged her out without too much trouble - she didn't even get her belly wet.

She's a bit wary of the big pool now, but has come in on the top step when we were in it earlier today. She is such a friendly girl. She really is a lovely dog, and has been giving us wet sloppy kisses all day. We will see how she goes tomorrow when there will be 8 kids in the yard when the extended family ccomes to dinner. I expect she'll just love all the attention.
SHE'S HERE!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Ears up looking dane like

Side on shot in her own pool - she loves this and it is now filthy

The two boys who have to get used to their new sister.
Cubby (coping OK - shows interest in Maggie, stays at least 1 metre away though):

Grover (been hiding under the bed since maggie arrived this morning):

Maggie is showing no hostility at all to the cats - just a healthy curiosity.
Heres another pic showing her size better (crappy pic though):

Definately Dane in there. BTW, here in the UK, we don't crop the ears so we are used to seeing Danes with a far gentler expression with their drop ears. She is stunning and once you have fed her up and got her in condition, I bet that black coat will shine in the sunlight. Gorgeous and I'm jealous.

we have a full size pool too - but whe hs only com in to the first step so far.

Our pool area is fenced off normally, but she followed my partner in there this morning and ran straight out on the pool cover (solar pool blanket). A quick heart attack from us and her later, and we dragged her out without too much trouble - she didn't even get her belly wet.

She's a bit wary of the big pool now, but has come in on the top step when we were in it earlier today. She is such a friendly girl. She really is a lovely dog, and has been giving us wet sloppy kisses all day. We will see how she goes tomorrow when there will be 8 kids in the yard when the extended family ccomes to dinner. I expect she'll just love all the attention.

(worried) 8 kids might be too much too soon.
I always tell people who adopt dogs from me that theyknow that the dog now belongs and is part of their family. However, the dog doesn't know that yet. Hope it all goes well, and, not teaching you to suck eggs, but make sure she has a place to get away from all the people if they get too much for her.
Those pics turned me into a gibbering wreck - she's a beaut!

Can definitely see the dane in her now, I think it must just have been a bad shot (although it was a good know what I mean).

She's beeeeeeee-yooooooooo-tiful! :wub:

BTW I dont think her ears are cropped Fenwoman if you look at her other pics, I think she's just got her silly lugs on in that top pic ;)
Those pics turned me into a gibbering wreck - she's a beaut!

Can definitely see the dane in her now, I think it must just have been a bad shot (although it was a good know what I mean).

She's beeeeeeee-yooooooooo-tiful! :wub:

BTW I dont think her ears are cropped Fenwoman if you look at her other pics, I think she's just got her silly lugs on in that top pic ;)

I know her ears aren't cropped. :rolleyes: I responded to the comment OP made about ears being up to look like a Dane. You can see someone is holding them up lol.
I merely pointed out that pricked ears wouldn't make her look like a Dane to us Brits cos our Danes have lovely floppy downy lugs all ready to be gently scrunched and mangled :)
No snipping off of lovely lugs over here. When I lived in Canada, I never could get used to the sight of cropped ears on various breeds. It changed the expression totally of breeds like the Dobermann, Dane, Boxer etc.
Never quite understood why it was done either.
<likes dogs with ears and tailses>
The "cropped" look is just that. I do not support dropping, and here in Oz, I'm pretty sure it is illegal - as is docking without a damn good reason. I defintiley wouldn't condone either - it was a poor choice of words in hindsight. Anywho we just thought she looked cute with her ears up :)

LisaLQ - I know what you mean - you should have seen now many shots I had to take, then fiddle with to get these - it's tricky getting good shots of a black dog on a bright day without her becoming a shadow - she also gets lost in photos in a dark room - even with the flash on.

There wil be plenty of practice though :good:

As for the kids - it was a pre-arranged dinner that would be a little unfair to my partners mum (a foster carer for kids, not animals). We are lucky enought to have our yard divided by fences into 4 sections, so she can be separated from and out of sight from the kids if need be.

At the RSPCA, she was smothered with attention though as we were leaving, and she lapped it up, so I'm not worried about her panicking.

The RSPCA staff even bought her some toys (another dog being picked up at the same time got nothing :unsure::) ) so she was a favourite because of her playful temperament and gentle nature.

We took her for a walk this morning, and she was pretty well bahaved. Didn't pull too much on the lead, and would stop and sit before crossing the road o command. SHe is turning out to be a lovely dog, although there is some evidence of a little digging in the yard this morning - not much though, and we got her some more toys today to keep her entertained when we are not at home.

ANyway - this is turning into a novel - time to go tidy the house a bit.
Fenwoman, I know what you mean about Canada having cropped earred and tailed dogs. I am living in canada and it bothers me so much, we have never cropped our dogs, but you see it so often. I don't really understand the point of it, can someone tell me?

In any event, that dog is beautiful!!! She looks like she is really enjoying herself!!
I want to nominate the pool picture for POTM. I hope I did this right lol. You are my very first nomination
Thanks l.michelle for the nomination anyone want to second it LOL

She did very well last night with the hordes for dinner. She was a bit wary of the very noisy 1 year old, but was happy to lap up the attention and dole out kisses to anyone who wanted one.

We have found out one of her quirks - she doesn't like men in hats. She got a bit wary of me wearing a hat yesterday before we took her out for a walk, and she barked at te electrician this morning because he was wearing a hat.

She already knows who mummy and daddy are - she sat with me last night while i was cooking on the BBQ. She showed no interest in the food that wasn't for her, and I was very impressed with her behaviour.

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