Success! Evil Tesco Office Aquarium Taken Off Market!


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2006
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For those of you who read Practical Fishkeeping (and for everyone who doesnt) today we picked up the december issue out today and were ecstatic when we read in the news section.

The office aquarium available on Tesco direct has been withdrawn. Due to everyone making complaints. So the fact we all wrote and had a go at them for being irresponsible and cruel really did work. :)

Although, according to the article, it is only temporarily, they are evaluating the suitability of the tank and it may, if not, probably stay off the market.

heres the link

we had a whole thread of people sending them e-mails a while back.
I read it on their site a few weeks ago
argh! debenhams annoys me with all its novelty crap. it would be cruel to put water in this container!
Apparently they are for sale in Debenhams shops now, although not online I have been iinformed

Yeah unfortunately I have seen it in the flesh in debenhams. There are so many "sharp" bits fish could do themselves a mischief on. It's really sad.

I work in ASDA and I noticed they have started to sell fish starter kits and I if they come through my checkout with one of those I'm going to discourage them from buying it. Screw ASDA'S!!
That's a funny kit. I'd pick up a few and have cubicles like in "Office Space" (the movie not the show) 10 of them all connect together. If only I could find a water cooler to complete the whole scene.
This isn't as bas as what I saw the other day. It was a tank, that was about .25 liters in volume that was encased in a wooden frame to make it look like a little TV and the "screen" was the front panel of glass. I read the booklet inside it and, it seriously read, "mini size perfect for Bettas".

I stormed up to the counter and demanded to talk to the manager. When he came out (was actually the owner) I tore him a new a**hole for selling these things. Yanno what he told me?

"They sell really good, I won't pull them off of the shelves because of one complaint."

You are rest assured I am never going back there again, I have sent E-mails and a hand written letter to the Better Business Bureau about them and looking into any animal rights groups I can talk to in my area about this.
there should be strict laws on shxt like this, some people haven’t a clue, I was one of those years ago, but through sites like this and good media we all learn, but outlets that just push crap to make a quick buck, makes me sick, FISH ARE NOT TOYS!!!!!!! :angry:

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