Vanishing Pleco


New Member
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Westminster, Maryland USA
Friday I added a Pleco to my community tank. He did fine for two days and then he vanished. I have looked all through the tank and can find no trace of him. I have also checked the floor all around the tank with no results. Where did he go?

Tank contains; 5 neon tetras, 2 cherry barbs, 2 glo danios, 1 black mollie, 1 blue ram cichlid and 1 shark cat.

Any advice?
you'll be suprised in the small gaps they can squeeze themselves into, any bogwood in the tank?
After lights out.. with maybe just a TV on, drop in an algae thin and keep an eye out for him/her. Most pleco's are more nocturnal and are very active after lights out. The food should draw him/her out.

What kind of fish is the "shark cat"? I did a quick Google and see fish called "Cat Sharks" but they are SW fish. Some types of "shark" looking fish can be aggressive against similar species.
you'll be suprised in the small gaps they can squeeze themselves into, any bogwood in the tank?

No bogwood. I do have two ceramic decorations but have checked both and no sign of him. I think maybe Scotty beamed him up. :lol:

After lights out.. with maybe just a TV on, drop in an algae thin and keep an eye out for him/her. Most pleco's are more nocturnal and are very active after lights out. The food should draw him/her out.

Thanks, I will try this tonight.
I have a bristlenose that is around 5 inches long, and I can never find her. She turns up at feeding time just before lights out.
After lights out.. with maybe just a TV on, drop in an algae thin and keep an eye out for him/her. Most pleco's are more nocturnal and are very active after lights out. The food should draw him/her out.

What kind of fish is the "shark cat"? I did a quick Google and see fish called "Cat Sharks" but they are SW fish. Some types of "shark" looking fish can be aggressive against similar species.

It is a type of catfish. Here is a link for them.
Use a LED flashlight at night (set to super low), you will probably find him then. Uhm, from my past experiance, check the filter floss in your filter, I had a missing dead fish in mine once.
how big is the shark and how big is the plec?

Good question because those sharks can only be kept in freshwater when they are young, after that they should be housed in a brackish enviroment.

I would be shocked to hear the shark had eaten the plec first, but depending on the size of both of them it's certainly possible. However, I would expect your other fish such as the neons and the danios etc to go before the plec as it has better defences to being eaten.
So my guess is your missing plec isn't down to the shark but due to some other reason. One thing you can expect though is your other fish to slowly go missing as the shark will eat them.
but the tetras and danios are fast swimmers so would be good at avoiding the shark whereas plecs are slower :crazy:
what sort of filter you got as i have lost 2 baby bn to my external filter had to get an end with a ball baering in it
After lights out.. with maybe just a TV on, drop in an algae thin and keep an eye out for him/her. Most pleco's are more nocturnal and are very active after lights out. The food should draw him/her out.

What kind of fish is the "shark cat"? I did a quick Google and see fish called "Cat Sharks" but they are SW fish. Some types of "shark" looking fish can be aggressive against similar species.

It is a type of catfish. Here is a link for them.


You need to start reading profiles on fish before you buy them. That fish isn't even close to being compatible with your tank and other fish.

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