Your Latest Fish Deaths


Feb 17, 2007
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Hi all. Most you latest fish death here. I'll start of with my one.

Name: Mike
Species Name: Oranda
Age: don't know, but very young
Date Bought:January 1st, 2007
Date died: January 14th, 2007

Name : Didn't have one
Species: Panda Cory
Age: Dunno, looked fully grown though (was this size when we bought it)
Date Bought: Can't remember, little over a month ago
Date Died: Can't remember, think it was 2 weeks ago
Name: Dinner
Species: Cod
Age: Unsure
Date bought: yesterday
Date died: close to yesterday as possible hopefully, it tasted fresh
Name: Dinner
Species: Cod
Age: Unsure
Date bought: yesterday
Date died: close to yesterday as possible hopefully, it tasted fresh


what a cheerful topic

honestly can't remember who was last to die, it's been a while.

I can predict the next death though, Oscar's not doing well at all :-(
Ok here's mine

Name: Ahhh Guppy No.4
Species: Guppy
Age: Who knows, but young, it was small
Date bought: 2 weeks ago
Date died: Today! Wasn't look too good this morning, was Gourami food when I got home from work tonigh!
Name: Guppy
Species: Guppy
Age: No idea - about 12 months in my tank.
Date bought: about 12 months ago
Date died: This morning - was still kicking last night but very weak.
Name: Ryan
Species Name: Columbian Tetra
Age: Not sure, at least 2-3 years old
Date Bought: A month or so ago
Date died: A week ago :( Other fish ate him
2 african cichlids forget what kind
Age: 1 year mabye
got: 5 months ago
Died: 1 1month ago 2nd 2 1/2 months ago.
Reason: went to florida and trusted my sister to take care of them.

P.S. what a mistke! lol :-(
Comon Plec
Name: Fred
Got: Week Ago
Died:lastnight while at work
Why: got home and he looked like he had white chicken pox and was stiff as a old man on viagra
more! not thatits a good thing

Name: Jaws
Fish: Bala Shark
Age: dont know (one of my first fish)
Died: 3 months ago
Why: Ammonia :-(

Name: Ug-Mug
Fish: Dragon Goby
Age: same as jaws
Died: 4 months
Why: .....Puff Daddy(spotted green puffer) ate Him..... :sick:
I have not had a fish death in years... what are you people doing wrong?..... Beginners luck?

If you look at the circumstances of those dead fish, seems to me most of them must have brought their problems from the shop.

My own last deaths were a couple of merry widows, one male and one small female, who seem to have succumbed from the stress of travelling to and from the auction where I bought them. I noticed when I picked them up that they did seem a bit lethargic. The big female on the other hand has settled in well.
2 flag tail prochilodus, i decided to move them in with my zebra knife fish as they werent getting enough food where they were and the knife fish killed them both the first night :<

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