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  1. O

    The (almost) Six-months Pic

    Thanks all! Yes, she is a redhead (like me) and she already has the attitude to go with it! :D
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    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    Captain Retardo, have you asked your library if they can do ILL's (Intra Library Loans)? If they don't have the books you are looking for you may be able to find them through other libraries. With my library, I just e-mail them the title and author and they fetch the book from wherever they...
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    Cold Case

    My dh and I watch this show and enjoy it a lot. I only have to skip the ones where kids are involved though. Became hard to watch those kinds of episodes after becoming a mom became impossible after my nephew passed away. May have to give them up entirely if I lose any more family members -...
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    The (almost) Six-months Pic

    Here's my baby girl, she'll be six months on Friday. I was around here a lot just before she was born but both my parents have been quite ill since so I've been to busy to pop in. Anyway, I can't help but share her. and of course I can't post a pic of her without posting her big bro too so...
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    Welcome To The World My New Baby...

    Aw, Rhiannon, congrats!!! I haven't been 'round in a while due to sheer busyness but I'm so glad I popped in to see your announcement. I hope that he's still sleeping well. You have such a beautiful pair. We've got one of each too but are concidering another. We'll see what happens. :)...
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    White Worms

    Thanks for the info! I'll follow it's advice and see what happens. Though I can't add salt because of the gourami (if I remember they don't tolerate salt well), I'll do some cleanings and see if it helps. Thanks again!
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    White Worms

    This is regarding my 29 gallon tank. All I have in there is a dwarf gourami and 5 mickey mouse platys (4 are babies). The tank itself has been up for more than a year but these fish are new as of January (I lost everything before them in a lengthy power outage). Recently I noticed short...
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    Platy Problem

    Just an FYI to y'all, I did a water change this evening - maybe about 20% or so. I also moved my male platy to the big tank since it seemed like all his energy (and he is the only healthy one left) were going into pestering the remaining female. Still looking for ideas on what might be the...
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    Platy Problem

    Just to clarify, I haven't been avoiding water changes because the stats are fine, I did write that poorly. I haven't done water changes because I haven't had time. I've barely had time to throw fresh water in when it needs to be topped off. I'm hoping that life will settle a bit soon. My...
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    Platy Problem

    Here's the form: 1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc) Ammonia and Nitrates are 0, PH is 7.2 - 7.4, temp is 80 (just checked it now, didn't realize it was that high), don't know about hardness (tested twice, once after each fish death) 2. A full description...
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    Lost Them All

    That's very lucky of you, Vancouver. I thought that my guys would be OK too but I not only lost all of them but all my red-eyed tetras and my pygmy cory. My bettas were just more special to me than they were. Had I heard the weather report the night that it dropped so low I would have figured...
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    Is Tis Really Doable?

    JaminRat, would I top off to replace water lost to evaporation? The ten gallon I have/had set up for one of my bettas didn't evaporate that quickly, would a salt water tank evaporate faster for some reason? Mr. Sept, would you mind filling me in on more details about your set up? Substrate...
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    Lost Them All

    Thanks. We managed to make it through OK. We lost part of our fence and everything in our fridge but us humans, including my bewborn baby girl, and the cats and dog made it through unscathed. We just placed a generator on our want list - high on our want list. Should this happen again (and I...
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    Is Tis Really Doable?

    OK, a 3-gallon is too small. Fair enough. That article that I read was probably written by someone who also thought it would be a fine home for a goldfish as well. :P Then what about my ten gallon? Someone mentioned that a ten might be OK. I just happen to have a ten sitting empty as...
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    Is Tis Really Doable?

    I recently lost all my fish to an extended power outage and unexpected temperature crash. :( Now, being faced with seven empty fish tanks I'm thinking about doing away with the smallest ones and wondering what to do with the rest. I have a faint recollection of reading something about keeping...
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    Lost Them All

    Hey all. I haven't been around for a while due to family matters but I needed to chat with folks who would understand my pain. We had a power outage for four days during which we had to leave home to stay elsewhere. I thought my fish would be fine but the second night after we left there was...
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    R My Goldfish Sick?

    Yep, I agree that your goldfish need a much, much bigger tank and would benefit from being by themselves. They are coldwater fish, the rest are tropicals. The plec most likely needs a much bigger tank as well. How old is your tank? Is it cycled? If it has nitrites you, at least, need to...
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    Baby Time!

    So sweet! It makes me miss my goats so bad. We had to give them away when we moved in April. :(
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    20wk Scan

    Congrats on the news of a boy! Did I tell you on any of the other threads about the book "Childproofing Your Dog" by Brian Kilcommons? It's got great info on getting dogs ready before babies come and how to handle things after. I've only got about 5 weeks left on mine. I will be happy to be...
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    Couple Of Red Eye Tetra ?'s

    I'm getting ready to restock my 29 gallon tank now that I've been disease free for a few months and am considering Red Eye Tetras. I have been looking at a few different sites and believe that they fit what I'm looking for depending on the answers to two questions. 1) Are they nippy like some...
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    Help - Algae Won't Scrape Off!

    What green scrubby things? I'm not sure I know what you mean. :) I went out and bought a new scrapper today since the one I have is so old. I was hoping that a new one would work a little better but it still doesn't work. Have asked my hubby to give me a hand using a plastic card of some sort.
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    Help - Algae Won't Scrape Off!

    Darn, I was afraid that was going to be the suggested solution. Maybe I'll add it to the honey-do list, my big belly can hardly get close enough to feed these days. :) Thanks for the responses, I'll give it a try.
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    Help - Algae Won't Scrape Off!

    Can someone suggest something to get the algae off my glass tank. I tried a foam type scraper and a somewhat harsher scraper, both of which have always worked for me in the past but suddenly they don't make a dent in this algae. I don't know why, it's green and "speckly". Right now I don't...
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    First Scan Pic

    Sorry to take so long, been busy and not been around. This pregnancy heat hasn't been too much of an issue because we have air conditioning. I tell my hubby I think I have survivors guilt for it. But last time we did not and lived in a hotter and more humid place. I remember very much liking...
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    Three Legged Cat

    Louise and Bloo, thanks for the compliments. Now if only I could get time to work on it some more there is a lot of new stuff going on. For instance, we had to move in April to a new house and we're expecting in October and haven't had a chance to put any of that on. Anyway, thanks...
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    Plants In A New Aquarium

    One thing to watch for in getting live plants for a 10g is the size they grow to. I had a fully planted 10g and ultimately ended up moving most of the plants because they got too tall. Now I have a different 10g that is partially live planted with some smaller varieties. Also be aware of...
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    Snail Eggs

    I don't know but unless you'd like to have millions of them get rid of the eggs now. Someone else might have a better idea of the kind. There's also the invertibrate section of the forum that has pics of some snails and their eggs so you can check and see if they have a pic of what you mean.
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    How Did You Get Into Fish Keeping ?

    I had a friend who was in the US on a work visa and when she had to go back to France she gave me the betta from her desk. I kept it at work until I had too many problems with housekeeping messing with his tank so I brought him home. He got VERY depressed wihout any visitors throughout the day...
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    Three Legged Cat

    Yup, I have a cat with three legs and he is the fastest, most agile and most adventerous out of the three of them. I think he almost prefers it this way, the burden of that extra weight gone and all. :) I worked at the vet who did the surgery and had seen many, many three legged animals up...
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    Feeling Really Mad, Advice Needed Please!

    I was going to say pretty much the same thing, maybe write the owner a letter and just say nicely that you have some information that will help her to be a successful fish keeper and include care and information. After that it's up to her, or probably more accurately, her parents.
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    Proper Introduction

    Ford Falcons huh? They don't make them for the US anymore but I googled them and they're pretty darn cute. We've got an Explorer, a Freestyle and my "single-girl" Mustang still which dh would prefer we sell but I can't bear to think about it. I grew up with a dad who raced cars so my secret...
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    Proper Introduction

    Well, welcome. We certainly have so much in common. Well, I'm about ten years older, don't have any tatts and have never even heard of Kalgoorlie but I love to sketch and cross stitch, am expecting my second baby, my ds's name is Gabriel, I love animals and have 3 Fords. That is if you are...
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    First Scan Pic

    Let's see, enough time to really want to not be pregnant in summer anymore but fairly concerned about what labor will be like this time. :lol: That translates to about three months. Due October 17 (I finally added it to my siggy) but ds was two weeks late so it could be Nov. 1 - REALLY...
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    Starting Over?

    Maybe something didn't get put together right or you need to help it out a bit. When I take mine apart for cleaning I have to make sure that thing that spins (technical, I know) is sitting just right or it won't do anything and sometimes I find that if I pour some tank water in it helps it...
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    Tank Temp

    You can also set up a fan to blow across the top of your water, keep your lights off and keep the top of the tank off. You'll lose more water this way but then again it won't hurt to top off frequently to help keep the water cool also.
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    Harlequin Rasbora ?

    I used to shop in Olympia, there were a couple of pretty good fish stores there (not pet stores, just fish) but since we moved I've shopped in Sumner and am going to check out a place I've been told is pretty good in Lakewood, can't remember the name of either one at the moment. I don't get to...
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    Baby Mirren....6 Weeks Old Today.

    Awww *sigh* I miss those days. Love seeing her again, it's amazing how fast they change.
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    First Scan Pic

    Yeah! First pics are so cool. At mine ours was sucking her thumb, I almost cried. :) We too call our the "jellybean". We need to pick a girl name still but have a backup boy name already to go just in case we're surprised.
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    Harlequin Rasbora ?

    Thanks all! I was hoping it wouldn't be a problem but my tank has seemed to be cursed lately (lost all stock but one cory in the last two months, having to start over) so I didn't want to bring on new problems if I could help it. :)
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    Harlequin Rasbora ?

    I am considering getting a bunch of these for my 29g tank and am finding mixed info about the ph they prefer. My tap water is pretty much neutral, reading from 7.0 to 7.2. I've read from different sources that these rasboras prefer 6.0 - 6.5 (majority of sources) and from others 6.5 - 7.5 - so...