Platy Problem


May 24, 2005
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Western Washington
Here's the form:

1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc) Ammonia and Nitrates are 0, PH is 7.2 - 7.4, temp is 80 (just checked it now, didn't realize it was that high), don't know about hardness (tested twice, once after each fish death)
2. A full description of the fishes symptoms. Fish start by losing color, have a drop in activity and have their fins clamped and "humped" backs, two have died, two are sick currently, one still looks healthy (of the adults, babies are fine). They are still eating
3. How often you do water changes and how much. Haven't done a water change since they have been sick because water stats are fine and have had a ton of evaporation lately and am topping off every couple of days sometimes as much as two gallons (of ten)
4. Any chemicals and treatments you add to the water. Only AquaSafe in the top off water
5. What tank mates are in the tank. Down to three adult Platys and about two dozen babies (most about a month old)
6. Tank size. Ten gallons
7. Finally Have you recently added any new fish? Only the babies born since I got the adults a little more than a month ago.

This is regarding my adult Platys, so far no baby loses that I can tell and none are showing signs of illness. I've only had them about a month. The first one died about two weeks ago I think but I thought it was a fluke since there were no signs of injury or disease. Then the second died a couple of days ago (this one had what looked like might be a bruise on one side) and the next day two more started showing the above signs. There were only five fish total so that leaves only one with no signs of illness. I don't know if it means anything but that fish is also my only male, could this be stress or injuiry due to his manly pursuits? I was planning on moving the male to another tank so as to avoid more babies but now that they are sick I want to wait until I know what's going on (will be moving the babies to my big tank also as soon as they are big enough to not get eaten by my dwarf gourami). Any thoughts, ideas?
Perhaps ive read this wrongly... but you need to be doing regular water changes whether your stats are fine or not. Is it just platies in this 10 gal or are the other fish in your signature in this tank as well?
Sick fish need water changed more often. Start with 10% daily for a week, then 20% every few days. After a couple of weeks you should be able to change 25% weekly, though in a tank with fry more is better.
Just to clarify, I haven't been avoiding water changes because the stats are fine, I did write that poorly. I haven't done water changes because I haven't had time. I've barely had time to throw fresh water in when it needs to be topped off. I'm hoping that life will settle a bit soon. My mom fell ill in December and had another relapse on Tuesday. Her condition is tenuous so I have been and probably will be spending time staying at my sister's to be near her. Anyway, I lost another adult fish today. Naturally it was noticed right in the middle of my son's third birthday party. *sigh* That's how my life has been lately. :rolleyes:

I'll do a water change ASAP but with the stats being all zeros where they should be what is making my fish sick? Are they sick or being bullied by the male I wonder? Anybody have any thoughts on a cause?

I only have Platys in this tank. My bigger tank only has the dwarf gourami right now as I was just starting to restock it when the babies were born in my ten gallon so I thought I would wait so that I had a place to move them if necessary.
Just an FYI to y'all, I did a water change this evening - maybe about 20% or so. I also moved my male platy to the big tank since it seemed like all his energy (and he is the only healthy one left) were going into pestering the remaining female. Still looking for ideas on what might be the problem with the sick ones.

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