First Scan Pic


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
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Leeds W.Yorkshire
Well I had my first scan yesterday! It was so amazing to see my baby for the first time! S/he was upside down doing a merry little jig well thats what it looked like it's arms and legs were all over the place! I've decided to call s/he Bean for now as thats what the picture i have of it reminds me of!

Isn't it amazing? I remember my ultra sounds and seeing this wee little thing wriggling around. It gives you such a sense of wonder and amazement. I love the name "Bean" too :lol:
awww how amazing

my sisters friedns actually called they're baby bean..... can you tell they're hippy's! :lol:
Thanks guys!

Already decided on s/he's name before I fell pregers we decided on Morgan Leigh/Lee but Bean seems to suit it at the moment! I just cant wait to meet him/her but I've got such a Looooonnnnnnggggg way to go! Oh well only another two months until I get a better pic of Bean! Am I mad to be so excited?
Congrats. It's such a wonderful experience, the best you'll ever have!! You're not mad being so excited, this is a very exciting stage of your life. :wub: Baby looks gorgeous, sweet little bean. I called my second Jelly Bean.

I know what you mean, when I was preggers with my three (different times) I was so impatient, it felt like forever. The pregnancy takes forever and when they're born, they grow so quick. Before you can blink it's their first birthday and one day you look again, and they're 7!!

Good luck and looking forward to seeing your progress.

Congrats Natsuko, it's so lovely the first scan, kind of makes it "real" :D . A friend of mine called her baby Bean while it was the size of yours and his nickname still is - Isn't it Chali :p
Yeah! First pics are so cool. At mine ours was sucking her thumb, I almost cried. :) We too call our the "jellybean". We need to pick a girl name still but have a backup boy name already to go just in case we're surprised.
Yeah! First pics are so cool. At mine ours was sucking her thumb, I almost cried. :) We too call our the "jellybean". We need to pick a girl name still but have a backup boy name already to go just in case we're surprised.

How long have you got to go then??

Congrats Natsuko, it's so lovely the first scan, kind of makes it "real" :D . A friend of mine called her baby Bean while it was the size of yours and his nickname still is - Isn't it Chali :p
It certainly is.... He is 7 now,and named Jack, but we all still call him Bean!!
Great to get those first ever pics, congrats Natsuko.x.
Yeah! First pics are so cool. At mine ours was sucking her thumb, I almost cried. :) We too call our the "jellybean". We need to pick a girl name still but have a backup boy name already to go just in case we're surprised.

How long have you got to go then??


Let's see, enough time to really want to not be pregnant in summer anymore but fairly concerned about what labor will be like this time. :lol: That translates to about three months. Due October 17 (I finally added it to my siggy) but ds was two weeks late so it could be Nov. 1 - REALLY praying this one won't wait that long but it runs in my family. Bunch of lazy bums we are, like to stay where we're warm, fed and cozy. :)
Oneponygirl, how you coping in this heat and how did you cope with morning sickness? I ask as my morning sickness is getting worse instead of better and this heat just makes me lazy and I'm not even heavily pregnant yet. Hope your baby comes on time for you!
I hate to sound daft here... Maybe it's because I've never had a baby/ultrasound. Where is s/he? in the light sectionat the bottom?
I know how you feel Natsuko

When I fell pregnant with my first son, we were still in South Africa and I was pregnant from Spring till early Autumn, spending most of the pregnancy in heat. I had very bad morning sickness, throwing up for 4 months solid!! It was very hard, but I just spent most of the time eating what didn't make me sick and sleeping. It's not being lazy, you feel this tired because the baby is draining all your energy to grow. It's amazing how much development and growing they do in just 9 months, so everytime you feel drained, just remember the baby is growing at an alarming rate and just using what you have to grow.

Your energy levels pick up second trimester, but you feel it again when you enter the last trimester.

Looking forward to other scans and good luck. It's one of the best things you'll ever experience and do.


Ok hope this helps (dont you just love my technique lol) Jen your not being daft alot of people who've seen the real scan cant see it! If I hadnt of been there I wouldnt have known what was what either

I cant wait for the second scan might even get one of those colour photos too! Argh the 11th Sept seems so far away!

Alex&Carmen, Thanks for the nice comments, I dont really have much problems in eating foods and keeping them down its just before I eat them thats the problem the smells make want to heave but I know I have to eat so I just do although dont seem to eat half as much as before in fact I think I've lost about half a stone in the last month but I know that will soon go back on, I would have been worried if a colleague hadnt lost weight too in her first trimester! I dont know how you coped with pregnancy out in Africa I think I'd have died, I've already told my partner he can be pregnant next time as I aint doing it again!

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