Harlequin Rasbora ?


May 24, 2005
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Western Washington
I am considering getting a bunch of these for my 29g tank and am finding mixed info about the ph they prefer. My tap water is pretty much neutral, reading from 7.0 to 7.2. I've read from different sources that these rasboras prefer 6.0 - 6.5 (majority of sources) and from others 6.5 - 7.5 - so which is it? If it's the former is it a big enough difference that I should consider a different fish? If the fish store I get them from is local and has the same ph is it safe to assume they've been "acclimated" to that level and will still do alright?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
they will be fine in your tank. They are fun to watch because of their colors and they are active. I have 5.
Thanks all! I was hoping it wouldn't be a problem but my tank has seemed to be cursed lately (lost all stock but one cory in the last two months, having to start over) so I didn't want to bring on new problems if I could help it. :)
Thanks all! I was hoping it wouldn't be a problem but my tank has seemed to be cursed lately (lost all stock but one cory in the last two months, having to start over) so I didn't want to bring on new problems if I could help it. :)

Hey what lfs do you go to? I live in Renton.

Also what city as my ph is high, like 8.
I used to shop in Olympia, there were a couple of pretty good fish stores there (not pet stores, just fish) but since we moved I've shopped in Sumner and am going to check out a place I've been told is pretty good in Lakewood, can't remember the name of either one at the moment. I don't get to Renton much though it's home to one of my top favorite restaurants, Jimmie Mac's. Love that place and it's sweet potato fries! I skim by it frequently though going from 167 to 405 to get up to my family. That's a scary little interchange sometimes. :)
I have ph 8.0 water and my Rasbora's are doing fine. They school together all the time and my lone neon tetra even schools with them 90% of the time!
I bought 2 harlequins last year for my 10gal tank. Then in Jan i upgraded to a 45gal and moved them over. i lost one but then added another 5 afterwards and all 6 are still going well. They tend to school together but like also to school with the red eye tetras. The tank is ph 7.6. I've found them to be quite contempt and hardy little fellas and love seeing them squibbling (and often winning) with the silver tipped tetras.

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