R My Goldfish Sick?


New Member
Jul 13, 2004
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I have a 10 gal tank that houses 3 neon tetras, 2 fan tailed goldfish, 1 placostamous and a floating nursery with 5 guppy fry. I had the water tested 4 days ago and it showed it was slightly high with nitrite. I purchased and planted 2 plants in the tank the same day (hornwort, I belive). Now for the last 2 days my goldfish have been holding tight to the bottom of the tank. Are they sick? If so is there anything that I can do to save them or make them more comfortable?? Any suggestions are greatfully appreciated. Thanks everyone!
I'm not a goldfish expert but I need to warn you;
You goldfish will most likely eat your other small fish like neons, unless that's just commons, and two will need a minimum of 30 gallons. Sorry. :/ It also might be better to post this in Emergencies, Wilder is almost always on and coldwater emergencies are accepted as well.
Yep, I agree that your goldfish need a much, much bigger tank and would benefit from being by themselves. They are coldwater fish, the rest are tropicals. The plec most likely needs a much bigger tank as well.

How old is your tank? Is it cycled? If it has nitrites you, at least, need to do a water change. Someone with more experience than I will surely come on and post additional info. Good luck!

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