Baby Mirren....6 Weeks Old Today.

big mick

Fish Addict
Mar 29, 2005
Reaction score
Irvine, Scotland
As the title suggests baby Mirren is 6 weeks old today.

She loves her bath time....although she does look a little bored in this picture


She loves sleeping in mammy and daddy's bed on a sunday morning...


But most of all she likes lying sleeping with Mummy and Daddy...

...jude doesnt always pull this face, she must be having a bad dream...


and that a little Mirren smile I see?

Adorable pics, she grown, hard work for mum, been there 24/7.
Oh fabulous! how quickly they change into little people.

Those pictures are beautiful, but the health visitor will tell you off for sleeping with her, *tut* *tut* :lol:

I look at those and I can hardly believe I took my "baby" to a fun fair and he goes on the rides on his own. Make the most of it, they soon stop needing you.
I tell Jude off for falling asleep with her but its okay as long as one of us is awake. To be honest Im looking forward to when she gets a wee bit older so that we can play more (and cries less) and best of all Im looking forward to Mirrens first fish tank heh heh heh.
:wub: She is gorgeous. Can't believe how much she's grown. You both look so sweet with her. Bet you are both having the best time ever with her. They are so precious.

I used to fall asleep with our little girl. I hardly slept properly though. I'd doze off and jolt awake, wondering where she was. But being our third and last, I'd have her sleep on me all the time. She only slept in her cot at night (when I didn't doze off that is) because I didn't want to miss a thing.

Thanks for sharing your lovely pics with us

Edit: You think the crying is bad. Wait till she's running around all the time calling you. "Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy...." even when you are looking at them, they still carry on!!
I tell Jude off for falling asleep with her but its okay as long as one of us is awake. To be honest Im looking forward to when she gets a wee bit older so that we can play more (and cries less) and best of all Im looking forward to Mirrens first fish tank heh heh heh.

Mirrens first fish tank - you are a naughty man Big Mick.

Lovely photos, I am so broody,a nd when I see pics of such a gorgeous baby it makes my heart melt, keep giving us updates, she's part of the tff family now and we love to see her, she really is incredibly pretty. :wub: :wub: - I'm all gushed out now :D
Aww.. look at the little baby! lol my half sister is one year old, shame about the parents split so i will never see her again :sad:
Aww she's so cute, but I bet the missus wasn't to happy about you taking a picture of her asleep! Lol.
Bret, i'm sorry to hear that but I reckon you will get to see her again mate. I never got to see my half sister until I was 11, but she went from the scene a few years later and I haven't seen her since, although it would be nice to meet up with her again.


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