Is Tis Really Doable?


May 24, 2005
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Western Washington
I recently lost all my fish to an extended power outage and unexpected temperature crash. :( Now, being faced with seven empty fish tanks I'm thinking about doing away with the smallest ones and wondering what to do with the rest. I have a faint recollection of reading something about keeping one clown fish in a 3-gallon Eclipse tank but am wondering how realistic that really is. I'm doing some reading about this too but thought I'd pose the question to you folks since I know I'll get a real answer.
i know very little about saltwater matters but i do know that you need atleast a 10G if not preferably a 20G to house a fully mature clown
I recently lost all my fish to an extended power outage and unexpected temperature crash. :( Now, being faced with seven empty fish tanks I'm thinking about doing away with the smallest ones and wondering what to do with the rest. I have a faint recollection of reading something about keeping one clown fish in a 3-gallon Eclipse tank but am wondering how realistic that really is. I'm doing some reading about this too but thought I'd pose the question to you folks since I know I'll get a real answer.

Hmm, I wouldn't recommend that. You couldn't keep it in there for long.
Yeah, 3g is too small for a clownfish unfortunately. About the only fish you could house in a tank that small would be neon gobies, burrowing pistol shrimp gobies, or you could do a peacock mantis nano, that would be cool :D
I recently lost all my fish to an extended power outage and unexpected temperature crash. :( Now, being faced with seven empty fish tanks I'm thinking about doing away with the smallest ones and wondering what to do with the rest. I have a faint recollection of reading something about keeping one clown fish in a 3-gallon Eclipse tank but am wondering how realistic that really is. I'm doing some reading about this too but thought I'd pose the question to you folks since I know I'll get a real answer.

Its not feasible, that tank is way too small.

Tanks are cheap so if you really want to do it then get a 2 foot tank minimum
OK, a 3-gallon is too small. Fair enough. That article that I read was probably written by someone who also thought it would be a fine home for a goldfish as well. :p Then what about my ten gallon? Someone mentioned that a ten might be OK. I just happen to have a ten sitting empty as well. Now I guess I'm mostly asking for curiosity sake unless it is truly doable I'm not likely to try it.
Just a word for the wise. The smaller the tank the more time it takes to maintain. You will be looking at either daily top ups or possibly even teice daily top ups just to maintain a constant salinity. Or of course you could buy an auto top off system but these tend to be expensive unless you make a diy version and also come with there own problems.

Not trying to put you off though just be aware of the demands it will put on you. Best of luck if you do go with it though
I had 2 clowns in my 10gallon tank. It worked out smoothly until my tank cracked, now there in a 30gallon :D . But yes it is possible for a pair of clowns to be housed in a 10gallon.
JaminRat, would I top off to replace water lost to evaporation? The ten gallon I have/had set up for one of my bettas didn't evaporate that quickly, would a salt water tank evaporate faster for some reason?

Mr. Sept, would you mind filling me in on more details about your set up? Substrate, decor, equipment etc. And the maintenance required?

Thanks for all your help and input.
I'm interested in this thread. I am a newbie to Saltwater, I'm planning on starting with a 30g, but I have an extra 10g so if for some reason I can't get the 30g, I'll have to use a 10. I'm prepared to do daily work if I have to, and so this thread is very useful to me.
JaminRat, would I top off to replace water lost to evaporation? The ten gallon I have/had set up for one of my bettas didn't evaporate that quickly, would a salt water tank evaporate faster for some reason?

Mr. Sept, would you mind filling me in on more details about your set up? Substrate, decor, equipment etc. And the maintenance required?

Thanks for all your help and input.

Well you can start by looking at my journal. The link is in my signiture just a little overview on my tank...I used play box sand the one you find at the Home Depot, 4bucks for 50lbs and I haven't had a problem, I bought my tank from wal-mart as im a cheap wannabe red neck. The fish that are inside of my tank are as follows:

-2 Clowns
-2 Bangaii Cardinals
-1 Firefish
-Various snails and hermits

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