Proper Introduction


New Member
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
Hi all,

Well I have said g'day :good: when I first joined TFF in the newbie section, so I thought it was time to say a proper hello and add a piccie of myself to let people know more about here goes

I live in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
I'm 22, engaged with 2 daughters aged 4 and a half, and 13 months old.
I love to sketch and cross stitch every chance I get. I love music with a passion, mainly heavy metal.
I have a heap of piercings and a tatt (more soon) and have a love of animals beyond all belief (all my current animals listed in my sig)....and I love Fords :drool:

Anyway nice to meet you all :)

okey dokey here's the pics......please no negative comments


Me, my daughter Samantha and my lil brother Gabriel (Gabriel is Samanthas uncle born 2 months apart)

And Emily my youngest daughter
Well, welcome. We certainly have so much in common. Well, I'm about ten years older, don't have any tatts and have never even heard of Kalgoorlie but I love to sketch and cross stitch, am expecting my second baby, my ds's name is Gabriel, I love animals and have 3 Fords. That is if you are referring to the vehicle.

See you around the forums. :)
Oh man, whenever I see Kalgoorlie, all I can think of is Kevin Wilson...But surely it can't be as bad as in his songs...

Welcome aboard!

Yeah Kevin Bloody Wilson is embellishing a lil bit. But I spose when he was living here, everything he sang about was right on the money, but Kalgoorlie itself is pretty good, it's just some of the people in it :lol:

Your kids are beautiful like their mother! :D


Thanks Neal :)

Well, welcome. We certainly have so much in common. Well, I'm about ten years older, don't have any tatts and have never even heard of Kalgoorlie but I love to sketch and cross stitch, am expecting my second baby, my ds's name is Gabriel, I love animals and have 3 Fords. That is if you are referring to the vehicle.

See you around the forums. :)

Definitely talking about the car, we have a 95 Ford EF Falcon that other half uses to take to work (he works in the nickel mines) and I get to drive the 05 Ford BA Falcon B)
I'm getting clucky already...I want another baby, but other half said no :( But he may change his mind in a couple of years, so there's hope yet :lol:

Will definitely keep an eye out for you :good: :D

Ashli :)
Ford Falcons huh? They don't make them for the US anymore but I googled them and they're pretty darn cute. We've got an Explorer, a Freestyle and my "single-girl" Mustang still which dh would prefer we sell but I can't bear to think about it. I grew up with a dad who raced cars so my secret lover is horsepower, my dh needn't worry about another man - just what he might be driving, ha ha.

DH and I think we want a third after this but we'll see how it suits our family after we know more about #2 and her personality. After our kids are older we want to be foster parents too and leave ourselves open to possibly adopting if the situation arises.

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