Plants In A New Aquarium


Fish Fanatic
Jul 16, 2006
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Hi i have a 10 Gal tank with 4 zebras and a small plant, with some faily coarse gravel. I am wondering whether i can use plants in my aquarium or if it best to stick to some small rocks?

I have read that plants dont like the coarse gravel?? also when i see the plants they come in these plastic tubs do i remove them from this?? can anyone point us in the right direction??


I don't think 10g is big enough for danios, with 20g being minimum. Also they like groups of 6+.

As for the plants there are plants which wouldn't grow well or root in coruse gravel but there are plants which attach to rocks plants like java fern and java moss come to mind quickly there are lot's more out there.

Yes you do take them out of the pot.


As stated take the plants out and put them in the gravel covering all the roots and you will find it spreading much faster!!!As for rocks, use them in conjunction with plants and you will have a very nice looking tank!


As stated take the plants out and put them in the gravel covering all the roots and you will find it spreading much faster!!!As for rocks, use them in conjunction with plants and you will have a very nice looking tank!


Cheers Guys!! Thanks for that!! Can i get some small rocks from the local garden centre? I was thinking i could then wash them in the water i remove at the weekend to the add to the aquarium?

Hi again,

Depends on the size rock, make sure its not to heavy as it will crack the base of the aqarium.Alos dpends on the placement of your tank.If you do decide on real rocks wash them and then pore boiling water over it.

You can also use fake rocks.( looks axactely like the real thing )Get it at your local petstore.Easy to provide hiding spaces.

One thing to watch for in getting live plants for a 10g is the size they grow to. I had a fully planted 10g and ultimately ended up moving most of the plants because they got too tall. Now I have a different 10g that is partially live planted with some smaller varieties.

Also be aware of putting rocks in your tank without knowing what they are because some can leach minerals and stuff into your water and some of those things can be bad for your fish.
One thing to watch for in getting live plants for a 10g is the size they grow to. I had a fully planted 10g and ultimately ended up moving most of the plants because they got too tall. Now I have a different 10g that is partially live planted with some smaller varieties.

Also be aware of putting rocks in your tank without knowing what they are because some can leach minerals and stuff into your water and some of those things can be bad for your fish.

Thanks again i am now leaning towards some mosss on some rocks from a fish shop!! What moss would you recommend?



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