Lost Them All


May 24, 2005
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Western Washington
Hey all. I haven't been around for a while due to family matters but I needed to chat with folks who would understand my pain. We had a power outage for four days during which we had to leave home to stay elsewhere. I thought my fish would be fine but the second night after we left there was an unexpected drop in temperature (down into the 20's - who knew?) and the next day when I went home to check on my boys they were all dead. Mambo, Tango, Wraith, Pewter, Leo and Samson. All six beautiful boys gone. Had I known the temperature would tank like that I would have done something to take them with me so not only am I sad but completely quilt ridden.
Thanks. We managed to make it through OK. We lost part of our fence and everything in our fridge but us humans, including my bewborn baby girl, and the cats and dog made it through unscathed. We just placed a generator on our want list - high on our want list. Should this happen again (and I hope it doesn't) we should be able to run an extension cord to keep the heaters going. If it hadn't been for the temperature drop on the last night, they were fine up till then. I still almost can't believe it really happened.
That's surprising that they would all die..

Our furance quit working for 3 days here, while it was -8 outside, and I didn't lose any bettas.. Some fin rot on a couple of them but no deaths..

Sorry to hear about the fish, but glad your family is all ok.
So sorry about your fish, it was just a horrible accident you cant blame yourself. Thank God your family and pets are ok. Hugs and kisses xx
That's very lucky of you, Vancouver. I thought that my guys would be OK too but I not only lost all of them but all my red-eyed tetras and my pygmy cory. My bettas were just more special to me than they were. Had I heard the weather report the night that it dropped so low I would have figured out a way to get them to the hotel though. The other nights weren't that bad. *sigh*

dogfood, yep but my house didn't get that cold. It wasn't freezing outside when we abandoned our home for a hotel. It was the second night that it dropped so bad. When my dh checked on the dog the next morning the thermometer in the house said 41 degrees. When I checked on the fish after church that morning they were all dead. Part of my mind was concentrating on getting my new baby someplace warm, another part of me doesn't think that's a good excuse (though truly I would pick my baby over my fish, I just wish I'd been thinking more clearly and thought of both).
That's alright oneponygirl. You will do different next time. We have all lost our fish due to decisions (or decisionless) not thought out or things not noticed or distraction by other things. We are humans and we make human errors in judgement. If you had moved them something else might have happened. We just don't have as much control as we think we would like.

Congrats on the baby! :hyper: :good:

I'm sorry about the fishies.

You have more time for baby and hubby now. :D
Sorry to hear about all your bettas. :rip:

I agree with jollysue; now you can take time to spend with your family and the little one.

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