Three Legged Cat


Jun 5, 2006
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Hi All,

My cat got run over early on Saturday morning, :-( . The only damage that was obvious was his left back leg was broken. We took him to the vets and they x-rayed and said thet the leg had been broken in 4 places, apart from that, which of course is bad enough, he is in tip top condition and the only real option is to have the leg amputated. They amputated today I think. We havent heard from them today which is very annoying and upsetting.

Before the accident he was really active and would only come back to the house to sleep and for food. Although Friday night he refused point blank to come in and just sat in the middle of the garden looking at me, which made me feel like crap when he was run down, for not perservering and getting him indoors. Do you think he will change much? My little girl is missing him like mad and just wants him back. :-(

It's absolutely heart breaking :-(

I hope he recovers well and I'm quite sure he will :good: I know you don't want to hear this now, but it's for the best that the leg was amputated if it was so mangled. Legs that are pinned (with steel bars and screws) often take many months to recover and perhaps even years. And cats with them are far less agile than those that had a leg amputated.
Whereas your cat will probably be hopping around in a few weeks all healed up and running & jumping (almost) as per usual before you know it.
He will probably stick around to the house a bit more, but don't expect too much of his character to change - if anything he will probably become more affectionate with all the tlc he'll be getting through his recovery.

Good luck to your kitty :good:
that's such a shame, but I agree with everything that bloo says, he'll be fine, you'll be suprised how agile he'll be.
Just had some good news. The operation was a success and we can pick him up today, :D
Going to take the kids with us after school, that should cheer them up a bit as it will be a surprise for them.

Great news ! :D It will no doubt be very distressing to see you cat minus one leg - so do try and prepare yourself for that. And the children especially.
But honestly - he will be just fine and bouncing around in no time at all ! You might in fact have difficulty getting him to take things easy and rest while he's healing - they don't understand things like that and just simply get on with life :good:

Post some piccies if you can!
Great news ! :D It will no doubt be very distressing to see you cat minus one leg - so do try and prepare yourself for that. And the children especially.
But honestly - he will be just fine and bouncing around in no time at all ! You might in fact have difficulty getting him to take things easy and rest while he's healing - they don't understand things like that and just simply get on with life :good:

Post some piccies if you can!

Yes of course I will and thanks for the support.

when i was younger my cat got hit by a car and had to have his back leg amputated.he suprised me by how well and quickly he adapted to only having 3 about 4 weeks he had learnt how to climb the 7ft back fence & everything!!your cat will be abit wobbly for a while & may fall over a few times while its adapting to 3 legs but it honestly doesnt take them long!!!so chin up to you all & think of it in the way of how lucky your cat has been & got off quite lightly plus now you have got an extra special unique cat!!!oh yeah,you may find that your cat can not defend its self aswel if its in a fight so just keep your eye on it!give your cat a big tickle from me. shaz :D
when i was younger my cat got hit by a car and had to have his back leg amputated.he suprised me by how well and quickly he adapted to only having 3 about 4 weeks he had learnt how to climb the 7ft back fence & everything!!your cat will be abit wobbly for a while & may fall over a few times while its adapting to 3 legs but it honestly doesnt take them long!!!so chin up to you all & think of it in the way of how lucky your cat has been & got off quite lightly plus now you have got an extra special unique cat!!!oh yeah,you may find that your cat can not defend its self aswel if its in a fight so just keep your eye on it!give your cat a big tickle from me. shaz :D

Thanks Shaz. :D
No probs,keep us all informed of how it goes.another quick suggestion is that if youv got laminate or wood floors put plenty of rugs down for a while until shes got her balance back properly so that she doesnt slip sidewards etc.good luck!!! shaz :D
Hi All,

Well the kids were over the moon to see him. He has retreated upstairs and is currently sleeping under my bed. He did try to walk when we got him back and was obviously a little unsteady. The vet was very pleased with his progress though. Got to go back on Thursday for a quick check up and see what happens from there. Thanks for the support all,

Sorry to hear about his terrible accident. Thankfully he was able to be saved. :/ I'm sure he's glad to be home with you all now. Poor little thing.

Keep well and good luck, hope he recovers fully. :)
hows your cat doing today?i can just imagine the happiness on the kids face when they saw him,bless them!!!keep us informed of his progress & i hope hes up & about very soon for you! shaz :D
sorry to hear about the accident :( my hubbys friends cat had his leg amputated , and he runs faster than the cats with all 4 legs :) he is so happy and full of life :)
Yup, I have a cat with three legs and he is the fastest, most agile and most adventerous out of the three of them. I think he almost prefers it this way, the burden of that extra weight gone and all. :) I worked at the vet who did the surgery and had seen many, many three legged animals up til then and all of them thrive and behave just as a four-legger would but usually with more energy. My sister has a three-legged dog as well and he is a really big dog (Akita/German Shepherd) and has no problems but she also has the additional benefit that he can't dig holes in the backyard.

Pics of my kitty Benny are on my website should you like to see them though it's actually kind of tough to tell he's missing a leg. The Funny Farm

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