Starting Over?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California.
As time has gone on, and visits here have increased; I've learned a lot... I've made a lot of mistakes and such... Which sucks and it sad, I'm a true animal lover, I really regret not doing enough research in the beginning.

So, I think I'll start all over, empty the tank, clean everything, etc etc...

Bettas, although BEAUTIFUL and very entertaining have proven to be an issue since they are so hard to keep in a community, and frankly, I don't want a 10 gallon tank with just one Betta in it, true, they love it, but I don't know, I think I would like more to watch and such.

So here's the deal. I have a 10 gallon with (currently) four plastic plants and gravel. It's got a Bio-Wheel filter that has been running wonderfully.

Also, in the mail, I have coming 4-5 rock decorations (fake), 18 plastic plants (small to large) and a clump of Java Moss with snails, most likely Trumpets. So in total, I'll have 22 plastic plants, and about 6-7 decorations (rock, fake wood, etc).

I've been taking a break to stop stressing out over my mistakes and try to figure out something.

So first, I figure my Betta will stay in his new home, a small thing, and I'll eventually upgrade that to a 3-4 gallon, maybe even a 5 gallon. So he'll be happy.

As it's summer, I have extra time to spare. So, this week I'm planning on totally cleaning out my tank and starting a new. I'll do this when my plants arrive and decorations. I will cycle the tank and give Bio-Spira a shot, if it doesn't work, oh well, but I'll see if it does. Hell, I might not even get it.

Once the tank is all set up (HOPEFULLY with a sand substrate) and cycled, which will be in awhile (due to lack of fish to use to cycle it with...) I have decided on getting:

1 Male Dwarf Puffer, 2 Female Dwarf Puffers, and a Oto.

I think that this would work quite alright. I read the FAQ about puffers on this website and this was suggested. But as I stated, I will be forced to do a fishless cycle, unless Otos can help with that, but I find that doubtful.

I'm starting this thing all over again as a complete "newbie" and really going to get this right.

Any suggestions? Comments? Advice? Etc?
I have no experience with puffers - I'm sure someone else can help there

But don't add an otto. Wait until the tank has been up and running again for a while and has a healthy growth of algae, then add at least two - they like company and they hate new tanks. Even with a well established tank ottos are prone to dying when moved to a new environment - so definitely a no no for cycling.

Sounds an interesting combination, though. Good luck :good:
Thanks Majjie. I've read up on Puffers, and it seems like it should be alright. As I continued to study, I have found out more about Ottos. I never intended to use them to cycle, but I did want some, but I think I'll decide against that. I'd really like a type of fish that could not only help a cycle, but also live in peace with the Puffers as I only have my ten gallon... :/
So, I've started over. Everytihng is set, but get this, the filter isn't working.

It's buzzing, as if it's working, but no water is coming into it and the Bio-Wheel isn't spinning? Anyone know why?
Maybe something didn't get put together right or you need to help it out a bit. When I take mine apart for cleaning I have to make sure that thing that spins (technical, I know) is sitting just right or it won't do anything and sometimes I find that if I pour some tank water in it helps it, otherwise I wonder if it would just try forever and not actually start working.

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