Welcome To The World My New Baby...

Congratulations, Rhiannon, he's absolutely perfect, :wub: and your little girl looks delighted with the new addition!
But how on earth did you cope with no pain relief?! Rhianna weighed around the same, and I had to have my epidural topped up 3 times!! You're so brave!! :hooray:
Thats a beautiful baby congratulations :good:
But (sorry to be selfish!!!) a mild thread hijack....
Sorry no where else to post this and i'm guessing theres a few mums visiting this particular thread :rolleyes:
My Gf is pregnant and her back is getting worse and worse, has anyone got any products, exercises or other ideas that could benefit her in her discomfort?

Anyway congratulations again!

Ps; Chips+shoulders+babies=wrong....
How's your little one doing now Rhiannon? Best thing to do with a situation like this is ignore the hurtful comments and just take note of the positive ones. Not everyone is going to see eye to eye on everything, inc. the birth of a lovely little boy, so best to not take too much to heart.

My Gf is pregnant and her back is getting worse and worse, has anyone got any products, exercises or other ideas that could benefit her in her discomfort?

She could try getting a maternity belt(I think that's what it's called) I had one in with a heartbeat listening thing I bought and it was really helpful towards the end at supporting my bump so the pressure on my back wasn't so bad. Actually just to check how far gone is she? Back pain can be early signs of labour!
She could try getting a maternity belt(I think that's what it's called) I had one in with a heartbeat listening thing I bought and it was really helpful towards the end at supporting my bump so the pressure on my back wasn't so bad. Actually just to check how far gone is she? Back pain can be early signs of labour!

A "belly bra" £19.99 from "bumpto3.com", it was really useful.
Ha, no not labour yet!!
I HOPE :blink:
She's 24 weeks.....
She's been in noticable pain for a fortnight, she's always had mild back pains due to her job but the problem is definately escalating.
Another thing, sorry, where sells non twee and girly clothes for newborn/baby girls?
I can't find anywhere that sells cheap, simple and not overly chintzy girls clothes.
I don't mean to impose on my child to come, my gf has bought her various skirts and pink frilly things but the best i've mustered is a few boys t-shirts and a bucket hat :blush:
The women in my family are very strong-headed and tough, no frills types. I cannot envisige myself buying anything like that for my daughter until she can decide for herself how she'd like to dress.....
Maternity belt? Is that like a girdle :lol: she'll love it!!
Another thing, sorry, where sells non twee and girly clothes for newborn/baby girls?
I can't find anywhere that sells cheap, simple and not overly chintzy girls clothes.
I don't mean to impose on my child to come, my gf has bought her various skirts and pink frilly things but the best i've mustered is a few boys t-shirts and a bucket hat :blush:
The women in my family are very strong-headed and tough, no frills types. I cannot envisige myself buying anything like that for my daughter until she can decide for herself how she'd like to dress.....
Maternity belt? Is that like a girdle :lol: she'll love it!!

I found Primark to be the best place for baby clothes, I know its not of the best quality, but they're cheap, colourful, and kids grow so quickly, its hard to justify spending a fortune on baby clothes from Next, etc.
Didn't see your earlier remark Teri, thanks :good:
Belly bra vs maternity belt, better do some research....
Sorry about the hijack Rhiannon
Hope all is going well :thumbs:
Ive edited posts and taken out what i think i can without ruining the thread completely.

Its a shame some people feel the need to ruin threads when they can easily stay out of them.
Hi everyone!

Thanks and thanks so much to the mod who got rid of the bad stuff.

He is doing really well. Feeding really well, sleeping really well and is just all over gorgeous.

I am suffering from a ruined back from the labour and just had physio for it this morning.

How did I cope without pain relief?? I do not know! It was so fast I had no time for it. I felt my bubs head coming out in the car so we got to the hospital and I delievered pretty much straight away.

And definitly no more kids for us. We have our beautiful pidgeon pair and I never ever want to be pregnant again. It was not my best time thats for sure.

As for the bad back with your gf, its very normal from the 20 week mark onwards to get a bad back. Heat packs are fine to use, no topical creams that heat up the skin to be used, and you can go and get physio. Trust me, if she has a sore back now, she is going to have a very very very sore back by the end of it.

Pretty Discus, I will pm you soon.

Love Raz
Aw, Rhiannon, congrats!!! I haven't been 'round in a while due to sheer busyness but I'm so glad I popped in to see your announcement. I hope that he's still sleeping well. You have such a beautiful pair. We've got one of each too but are concidering another. We'll see what happens. :)

-germ- I was going to recommend a chiropractor for your gf but maybe that's what others have meant by "physio" in their posts. I typically have my back adjusted twice a week anyway but it was certainly needed during my pregnancies, especially #2. There are methods that they can use so adjustments can be done right up to delivery. In fact one of my dotors even said she would go to the hospital if needed but I didn't take her up on the offer. Good luck to you both.
She's a bit stubborn about seeing the doctor on an emergency appointment :no: but its not my job to cajole her into going so i'll leave it up to her. She appears to have a slightly swollen area dead on the bottom of her spine, any other mothers encounter this when expecting?
I've tried protozin, but maybe its just bad breeding? :shifty:
Seriously though thanks for the tips, she'll be seeing a doctor in a fortnight or so and until then we'll find one of the aforementioned products to hopefully alleviate the pain.
Bonus for her though! I now have two jobs, the cooking to do, the domestic responsibilities, the fish to take care of and her hormonal episodes to do battle with.
Grumble, grumble, moan, moan...... Sorry!!
In fact being 24 and not very practical i'm TERRIFIED (go on :devil: spill yer guts) i'm at a loss to what we actually need..... We have so far;
Bottles, sterilizer, baby monitor, one travel changer, one normal changing mat, breast pump (does this mean i get to milk her??), cot on its way, moses basket, bottles, clothing, nappies to be bought later, bibs, no pram yet but i know its needed, breast pads, soft toys to be bought later and high chair to be bought later. I think thats it so far, am i missing anything basic? It'd be a great help if any mothers can point out anything i'm missing :good:
Again sorry Rhiannon, i hope it doesn't seem like i'm taking advantage of your thread, if so pm me and i'll edit this post.
Thanks in advance!!!
Congratulations Rhiannon - one georgeous bubba you've got there :wub:

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