Search results

  1. elisew

    Malawi Tanks.

    Thanks :good: The plants are silk ones, I`m not a great fan of any plants in a Malawi setup but I won`t use plastic ones as I personally think they look really awful. I only put those in the tank because I was hoping to cover up the weir a bit :look: I was contemplating fitting one of...
  2. elisew

    Malawi Tanks.

  3. elisew

    Synontis Eupterus (Featherin) X6

  4. elisew

    Synontis Eupterus (Featherin) X6

    Livestock: Synodontis Eupterus, otherwise known as Featherfin/Squeaker, all approx 4-5 inches in length. Quantity for sale: 6 Reason for Sale: Thinning out tank Delivery or Collection: Collection only Sales price: £30.00 for all 6 Postage & Packaging: N/A Location: Poole, Dorset Photograph...
  5. elisew

    Possibilities For 29 Gallon Aquarium?

    As has been suggested, caudopunctatus at one end of the tank with shells so that they can use both shells and rock, multifasciatus at the other end with lots of shells but you need to use the rocks to block the line of sight. Julis will use the areas in, around and above the rocks but do bear in...
  6. elisew

    Cory's For My Neolamprologus Brichardi Tank.

    Unfortunately that`s the downside to keeping such an aggressive fish :/
  7. elisew

    Cory's For My Neolamprologus Brichardi Tank.

    After having kept brichardi myself I would say that keeping corys in the same tank is a big no no. The brichardi are aggressive to a high level and they`ll think nothing of killing the corys :no:
  8. elisew

    Arrgghhh, Had To Buy A Bigger 'juvi/fry Tank

    I`ve contemplated selling my Tangs and using that big tank for another Malawi setup but I love the Tangs and I`m not sure I could actually get rid :unsure: MA have taken quite a few of my juvi`s on a trade in for dry goods which was great last time but I`m not sure if they`re still taking...
  9. elisew

    Arrgghhh, Had To Buy A Bigger 'juvi/fry Tank

    Well I ended up stripping one of my holding Jacobfreibergi females a couple of weeks ago (I had to release her after she`d got stuck between the glass and a rock) and the result was 31 new fry. I`ve since found 4 other fry in the weir and sump of the main tank so have removed and added them to...
  10. elisew

    Ill Demasoni Or Is It Another Species That Got Mixed In?

    The lfs have an obligation to take the fish back, you didn`t get what you asked and paid for, therefore they have no legal grounds to refuse. The demasonii are too aggressive to leave that female in the tank, they`ll likely harrass, stress and kill her so returning her to the lfs is the right...
  11. elisew

    Too Much Sand For Mbuna Tank?

    In short......No :no: If you have a good read around the forum you`ll find that synodontis catfish or bristlenose plecs of a decent size will move the sand around a fair bit when they search for food. They are generally the hardiest and can withstand/cope with the aggression levels of...
  12. elisew

    First Fish In Tank

    What size is your tank and how did you fully cycle it in a week?
  13. elisew

    Mbuna Diet

    I use Premium Granular food and Spirulina flake from ZM Systems for my Malawi/Mbuna. They do need a good amount of veg based food, mine seem to love it and also the algae wafers that I throw in for the plecs and catfish :good:
  14. elisew

    Please Help Me Id This Mbuna

    Can`t help you out with an id I`m afraid but that fish looks seriously ill from either starvation or possibly worms judging by his very sunken belly :angry: It looks like you`ve got him in with your other fish? Do you not have a separate tank for quarantining new fish so that any infection...
  15. elisew

    Stocking Suggestion For 420 Litre Tank

    I have a mix of mbuna, peacocks and Haps with no problems. I've replied on the other thread that you started:
  16. elisew

    300 Litre Oak Tank From Maiden Head

    I`ve just replied to your thread in the African/Old World section :good:
  17. elisew

    New Tank Help Me

    Great sized tank :good: :good: I`m biased as I have 2 of the oak tanks from MA too :lol: Have a look here for some ideas on Malawi/Mbuna that you might like: Mbuna: Aulonocara/Peacocks...
  18. elisew

    Blue Rams Eating Their Eggs!

    How big is the tank? How long has it been running? What other fish are in the tank with the Rams (if any)? I`ve asked one of the Mods to move this to the New Worlds section for you, you`ll probably get more replies there :good:
  19. elisew

    Sun Spot Brevis

    We would need to know the size of the tank before being able to give you realistic options of stocking. Whatever you do, please don`t look at adding any Brichardi to the setup though. There are other species that could be a possibility but that are less likely to harass or kill your brevis :/
  20. elisew

    Wanted...test Tubes

    10 x 20ml Plastic test tubes £1.99 :/
  21. elisew

    New Tank, Cylcling, Old Filter Media?

    Not sure if it`s just me that is getting confused from your replies but..... What is your ph? Seashells alone will not be enough to raise the ph IF it`s low. Are you doing a fishless cycle or are you actually wanting to seed from your mature media and get the tank up and running straight away...
  22. elisew

    Cycling Mbuna Tank

    You`ll definately need a bigger filter but for initially starting off, the principle of seeding from already matured media is the same for mbuna as it is for a tropical setup. Don`t use the stresszyme. IF you already have an existing tank then why do you want to do a fishless cycle? Use...
  23. elisew

    Is A 20L Tank Ok For Growing Out Fry?

    No it doesn`t need any substrate, my fry tank is bare bottomed and just has a heater and an air driven sponge filter. It`s much easier to clean out any uneaten bits of food :) The whole point in keeping up with the water changes is to give the fry as much clean water as possible, having a...
  24. elisew

    Can I Add Baby Frontosa To A Tank With Bigger Ones?

    What kind of size do you mean when you say 'little ones'? :unsure:
  25. elisew

    Juwel 190

    Hmm, I guess it would also depend not just on which species but what kind of numbers you`re looking at too :unsure: Although the afras don`t get to a really big size, I`m sure you know that they`re not considered to be 'small' mbuna and on that premise alone I personally would say no....but...
  26. elisew

    Is A 20L Tank Ok For Growing Out Fry?

    I would disagree with fluttermoth in this regard as I`ve been growing my malawi fry for months now in a 20L arc tank with no problems whatsoever. My fry get to a juvenile size of approx 2.5" and there`s plenty of room for them. You do need to be disciplined with them though and a 50% water...
  27. elisew

    Anyone Bought From Kesgrave Tropicals On Ebay?

    I bought loads of stock from Kesgrave when I had my tropical and black badis tanks and never had one problem with them. Any emails I sent them (personal not through ebay) always got a reply. I`ve changed my setups to Tanganyikan and malawi now so don`t buy any fish from ebay at all any more...
  28. elisew

    Md Crowland First Time Visit !

    Pics????? :lol: No matter how good a shop may seem, a lot of fish in a lot of shops are treated with hormones that bring out a lot of colouring.....which isn`t actually there (if that makes sense) so don`t be surprised if your new additions don`t colour up very much at all :/ After adding...
  29. elisew

    Advice On A Few Colorful Lake Tang Ciclids To Add To Frontosa Tank?

    Although Frontosa grow pretty big, they`re gentle giants and are open to being bullied which is why it`s recommended that they`re kept in a species only setup. even then, you may still find one in particular being bullied. Tanganyikans aren`t the best fish if colour is what you`re after, unless...
  30. elisew

    Which Broadband Provider

    We currently have Sky TV, phone and broadband and can`t fault any of it. Whenever we`ve had any concerns, which has been rare, Sky customer service have been fantastic. We were going to change over to Virgin Media, purely because of costs but after booking the installation Virgin decided to...
  31. elisew

    My 385L Malawi Tank

    I would give it a go, yes. What`s the point in paying for something that can`t be used as it should be? :/ You`re not on your own though, I`ve just checked mine to see which way the dates run i.e month/year or vice versa and mine are out of date too :crazy: :crazy: Ebay here I come...
  32. elisew

    Id My Cichlids

    +1 :good:
  33. elisew

    My 385L Malawi Tank

    That indicates to me that it expired in November '09 :/
  34. elisew

    My 385L Malawi Tank

    The last few numbers are usually the month or year of expiry. Test strips are completely useless and are likely to produce wrong results so they`re a big no no in my honest opinion. My nitrate is 40 from the tap, I`m not sure what the 'average' is as it differs around the country. I`m not...
  35. elisew

    My 385L Malawi Tank

    That`s normal, same as mine. Wait until you have some little bits in the water and you`ll then be able to see the water movement better :good: The ph is good, it`s unusual to get a 0 result of nitrates but it does happen on the odd occasion. Make sure you give the test fluid bottles a really...
  36. elisew

    My 385L Malawi Tank

    Plus the fish are too stupid to realise they`re getting bigger while the holes in the ocean rock aren`t and the fish can then get stuck and die :/ slate would definitely be a better option :good:
  37. elisew

    How Long Do Fish Store Guppies Live?

    The brown film you describe sounds like diatoms which is normally associated with new setups and I believe it can be produced from ammonia spikes. It can be cleaned by rubbing it off with your fingers before a good water change. How often do you carry out a water change and what percentage of...
  38. elisew

    Somewhat Of A Newbie

    Welcome to TFF :) It would be a beter idea for you to post in the Tropical discussion section, more people will read your post and will hopefully be able to give you some ideas on stocking your tank :good: