Synontis Eupterus (Featherin) X6


I don`t count sheep to get to sleep, I count fish
Jul 1, 2010
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Livestock: Synodontis Eupterus, otherwise known as Featherfin/Squeaker, all approx 4-5 inches in length.
Quantity for sale: 6
Reason for Sale: Thinning out tank
Delivery or Collection: Collection only
Sales price: £30.00 for all 6
Postage & Packaging: N/A
Location: Poole, Dorset


I`m thinning out my Malawi tank in preparation to move house in a couple of weeks time. I was led to believe that these Synos were hybrids when I bought them but have recently had them id'd as Eupterus.
All 6 live pretty well together and I`m only looking to sell them because I`d rather keep my Synodontis petricola and my plecs. The bottom of the tank is too heavily stocked with the Eupterus as well.

I will not post so please refrain from asking.

I need these to be gone at the latest by 3rd December, if no interest then I`ll just trade them in at my local MA for their big display tank.

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