Advice On A Few Colorful Lake Tang Ciclids To Add To Frontosa Tank?


Fish Crazy
Jan 27, 2011
Reaction score
New York
I have 4 Frontosa that are about 4-5" (never really sure how you measure a fish). While I know that some recommend keeping them alone I'd like to add a few colorful fish to the tank. I do not want to mix lakes. Thank you for any suggestions.
Although Frontosa grow pretty big, they`re gentle giants and are open to being bullied which is why it`s recommended that they`re kept in a species only setup. even then, you may still find one in particular being bullied.

Tanganyikans aren`t the best fish if colour is what you`re after, unless you get some of the Jumbo cyprichromis, but you never know what species you`re actually getting unless you buy from a breeder. Plus, you`re right about not mixing the lakes so it kind of limits your stocking. I personally would just enjoy the Frontosa that you currently have and continue to keep them on their own :good:
if anything , tank size permitting id add more frontosa as they are colonial fish that live in big groups
neolamprologus tretocephalus and sexfasciatus may be worth looking at. Both get a reasonable size (about 15cm max) and im fairly sure you can keep them with frontosas but its worth getting a second opinion on those.
Altrolamprologus compressiceps is another one of the larger tangs that is quite commonly seen. decent colours on the adults :)

to be honest with you, if it were my tank it would be a species only tank with more frontosas, they do so much better in a larger group!!
Ive seen them mixed with a few fish but they will potentially eat anything that fits in there mouth. A few more would be cool.

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