Cory's For My Neolamprologus Brichardi Tank.

Fish Guy

Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2010
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I'm planning on getting a shoal of Corys for my 55 gallon Species only Brichardi tank. In true brichardi fashion, there is a few different fry generations and broods on going in the tank, but I was hoping to get a small shoal of corys to help clean up. I guess the brichardi shouldn't give the corys too much of a hard time while defending their territories. I'll definalty keep an eye on things to see how they do.
If they are a breeding group they might no get on to well.

Corys are "nosey" fish and like to poke around everything and the Brichardi's might not take well to a small group of Corys snuffling through their eggs.
After having kept brichardi myself I would say that keeping corys in the same tank is a big no no. The brichardi are aggressive to a high level and they`ll think nothing of killing the corys :no:
I was afraid of that. There doesn't seem to be much options for a clean up crew that's for sure.
I was afraid of that. There doesn't seem to be much options for a clean up crew that's for sure.

Unfortunately that`s the downside to keeping such an aggressive fish :/
Depending on tank size have you considered BN plec, do a pretty good job cleaning up, or nerite snails....

Cheers, Sean

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