Possibilities For 29 Gallon Aquarium?

cichlids in general tend to stay close to the bottom, except around feeding time. There are a few that hang closer to the top, but I can't honestly remember which ones they are.

Keyhole cichlids are american, and kribensis are African, but they do have American water preferences.
Stacking rocks 15 inches up, would the jules hide in the crevices in the rocks, making them a bit higher up?
As has been suggested, caudopunctatus at one end of the tank with shells so that they can use both shells and rock, multifasciatus at the other end with lots of shells but you need to use the rocks to block the line of sight. Julis will use the areas in, around and above the rocks but do bear in mind that julidochromis are predators and will most certainly try to snack on any fry.

Cyprichromis Leptosoma are probably the best open water fish for a tang setup but your tank isn`t big enough for them I`m afraid.
to be fair the shellies and julies will swim all over the tank but their territorys will be in diff places. ie the rocks or shells etc. You could definately get some paracyps in a 3fter, but as your is a tall 29 you might be ok for a small group. paracyps will use the open and hang round the rocks. if you could get a nice pile of rocks as high as you mention then you could utilize the top more. 5 paracyp, some shellies and maybe a small pair of julies. as for male and female it will be pot luck. it will be a case of buying a few and waiting for them to pair up them removing the remainder. cheers
As has been suggested, caudopunctatus at one end of the tank with shells so that they can use both shells and rock, multifasciatus at the other end with lots of shells but you need to use the rocks to block the line of sight. Julis will use the areas in, around and above the rocks but do bear in mind that julidochromis are predators and will most certainly try to snack on any fry.

Cyprichromis Leptosoma are probably the best open water fish for a tang setup but your tank isn`t big enough for them I`m afraid.

Oh, I thought whoever said that said "multies OR caudopunctatus with julies in the rocks". So the final stocking goes out to some Neolamprologus Multifasciatus, some Neolamprologus Caudopunctatus, and some Julidochromis Dickfeldi...? I thought the two neolamprologus would try to hybridize with each other, which is why that type of setup is looked down upon?

to be fair the shellies and julies will swim all over the tank but their territorys will be in diff places. ie the rocks or shells etc. You could definately get some paracyps in a 3fter, but as your is a tall 29 you might be ok for a small group. paracyps will use the open and hang round the rocks. if you could get a nice pile of rocks as high as you mention then you could utilize the top more. 5 paracyp, some shellies and maybe a small pair of julies. as for male and female it will be pot luck. it will be a case of buying a few and waiting for them to pair up them removing the remainder. cheers
Is this the one you're referring to? If it would fit in the tank, I'd certainly prefer these over 2 shell dwellers in the tank. Would a pair of Julies, some Caudopuncs(5?), and maybe 3 of these paracyps do well?
EDIT: You bring up something about adding them to the tank itself, I know this is looking ahead a bit much, but in what order are you supposed to add them to the tank? Smallest to largest, largest to smallest, because if I add a few extra julis then the tank load would be above normal, right? And after I take them out, where do I put them?
Whoops, screwed up this post. I added a new one instead of edited. :X
yeah there the ones but id go for 4-5, then a pair of small julies ( transcriptus, ornatus). 5 punks may be to much, im not sure if they will pair and not get on with the rest or not, whereas multies form little colonys. As for adding them i cant really see a problem which you do first. Are you looking to do it over time? which isnt a bad thing as the fish are expensive. Extra julies would be rehomed. Unfortunately you cant just buy a male and female and expect them to like each other. cheers
Any particular reason for the number 4-5? Why not 3 paracyps, 1m 2f? Also, are suggesting that instead of the punks, I'll add the multies? Could I possibly get brevis instead of multies, since they're a bit larger? I'm sure they'd fare better with the paracyps than the small multies.

-Paracyps, 3-5
-Multis, 5-7(?)
-Jules Transcriptus/Ornatus, 2

I think this is a pretty good, balanced stocking plan. As I put it into the aquarium calculator, it seems like 5 paracyps is a big load. <__<

And yeah, between the availability of the fish, and the cost, I'll most likely add them a little at a time.
there just normally kept in small groups. im not suggesting the multies over the punks, just some shellys are colonial, harems or pairing. Im not sure what the punks are. whats the calculator your using? as decent filtering and weekly water changes will sort anything out.
there just normally kept in small groups. im not suggesting the multies over the punks, just some shellys are colonial, harems or pairing. Im not sure what the punks are. whats the calculator your using? as decent filtering and weekly water changes will sort anything out.

Thanks, I'll find how the puncs are living together soon, and that'll decide. Are there any problems w/ keeping them 1m 2f? Here's the calculator, it's a great basis to go off of. You enter the parameters and it shows you the problems with your setup, how much water you've gotta change a week, and whether there are territorial issues, and it has recommendations too. http://##151###.com/
EDIT: Aaand, I'm not allowed to post it. Haha, it won't be hard to search for. It's an aquarium stocking calculator.

Ah, so I found out caudopuncs are pair fish, so I guess it's no go for them. Multis it is.

Thanks for all the help by the way.

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