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    Furious With Pets @ Home

    well done Lorraine, if only there was more people like you. there must be quite a lot of uk traffic on this forum and if this thread only stops a handfull of people giving their business to pets@home then thats a bit of success in its self which changes something
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    Totally New, Need Advice!

    just a quick bit of advice - 35l is way way too small for rummy nose tetras, they require a large tank as they are extremely active. also as it appears that you are now in a fish in cycle i would strongly recommend not adding any fish for 2 months until your tank is fully cycled (or better...
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    Fish-in Cycling Diary.

    hey josh if your ammonia is reaching that level in 24 hours you should be doing at least 2 water changes a day
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    What Fish Could I Get For My Tank?

    you would need at the very LEAST 30 litres for a small shoal of pigmy corys to live happily so please dont consider them appropriate. a 4 litre tank is not suitable for any fish
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    Where To Buy Tpn+

    Warehouse Aquatics Cheapest place iv seen it :good:
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    Is My Tank Too Small?

    hey ldavidson you should name & shame for that advice, they probably couldnt have given you any worse if they tried. and id take beccimac's advice and take them back ASAP and demand a full refund & then find a proper lfs. Good luck with it and hope it works out for you :good:
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    My First Fish!

    did you use ammonia to cycle the tank out of interest
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    Need Help...asap!

    If i were you fishlover id concentrate on the ammonia level before worrying about the bacterial meds. IMHO ammonia will do far more damage than not adding the meds. you should do as many water changes as necessary to keep that ammonia level down and when its as close to zero as possible then...
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    4 Of My Guppies Are Dead And One's!

    your overstocked 2 to 3 times so your always going to run into problems. hopefully you can get your current problems under control but your going to need a WAY bigger tank ASAP.
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    Starting A Tropical Fish Tank

    If your tank says 25 litres then its 25 litres. If you want to get more fish than you have been advised then look at getting a bigger tank. 25 litres is tiny so id look at a betta and some shrimp and nothing else. Best of luck & please take on board all the advice you have been given :good...
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    My New 4 Red Bellied Piranha

    Is your tank cycled?
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    Good Fish For Cycling Please?

    in all fairness truck there are other threads that you say doing a fish in cycle is ok but you never mentioned to the people asking the questions that they need to do 4+ water changes a day. all im saying is that if you are going to advise a fish in cycle you need to give all the facts on how...
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    Good Fish For Cycling Please?

    yep, hence if you know what your doing and how to do it properly. eh i think if the OP was experienced and knew what they were doing they wouldnt be asking for advice :rolleyes: so why tell people that more than likely dont know what they're doing thats its ok. how many newbies are going to...
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    Co2 Just Installed

    Hi s007 that diffuser that you are using looks like it is also a bubble counter. thats what the coil is for - you are able to count the bubbles in the coil if you have a drop checker you should also get this & this if you dont already have as you will be able to tell pretty accurately how...
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    Full Test Kits

    API is very good. Or this interpet one. For now the most important are Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate & PH (maybe not as important as the other 3). All you need now is some pure ammonia and your well on your way Edit: this is the one i use - Hagen Mini Master Test Kit A7865
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    Noob With Questions Alert!

    Hey Ardandy, There is a lot to take in at the start but once you get your head around it it starts to make sense & gets easier. i guarantee that if you do a fishless cycle things will be easier (and less expensive) in the long run. Theres loads of helpful people here so all you need is the...
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    Noob With Questions Alert!

    Fishless Cycling Have a read of the above before you go any further. Unfortunately thats some pretty bad advice. If you follow the above link it will take about 4 to 5 weeks to fully cycle your tank, then when you finally do add fish there will be maximum chance of the fish surviving and you...
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    How Many More Fish Can I Have

    the 2 main reasons for otto's dying in an aquarium are inadequate water quality & starving.. im sure you already know this but the above post is just my opinion from my experience I agree with you on shoaling but sometimes 30 & 60 litre tanks are just too small
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    How Many More Fish Can I Have

    my 3 are always out the front in search of algae & have laid eggs this week so i doubt if they are that unhappy. not sure what your basing this on as im sure 3 or 4 healthy otto's with a suffient food supply would be happier than 6 competing for a smaller amout of algae!!
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    How Many More Fish Can I Have

    Yea totally agree with athena, 6 ottos in 10 gallons is way too many. 6 ottos get through a fair bit of algae in a day so IMHO that is too many for a tank that size (this is obviously based on a normal tank containing a normal amount of algae ;) ) I have 3 fat happy ottos in a healivy planted...
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    Online Aquarium Store

    warehouse-aquatics Iv ordered from them 3 times & found them brilliant & one of the cheapest on the net
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    Questions On Behaviour Of Cherry Barb

    Hhaha i just though you couldnt spell :lol: just joking. just looked it up there & yea its unbelievably narrow. to be honest i dont think rummys are at all suited to that tank but maybe some else can advise. maybe a smaller less active fish like the neon tetra or a single betta would be more...
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    Questions On Behaviour Of Cherry Barb

    Hey Keith i know you didnt ask for stocking advice but a 35l boirb is probably the most unsuitable tank you could possibly have for a rummy nose tetra. they need to be kept in shoals of at least 6 in a tank measuring 80cm long or there abouts. The best thing you could possibly do for these fish...
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    Most Efficient Co2 Diffusion

    Hey ac it was actually your post i read on ukaps that mentioned the eheim power diffuser :) . Did you manage to test run that idea. I was giving the juwel venturi idea some thought this morning and thinking about it its probably not the best idea as i guess the co2 will just be blown into the...
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    Most Efficient Co2 Diffusion

    Hi Iv been messing around for the last few days with different ways to get the best co2 diffusion. Iv been using my rhinox 2000 directly under the inlet pipe on my tetratec 700. This morning though i was reading ukaps and saw a tread on using a eheim power diffuser AE . I had a similar diffuser...
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    Tetratec Flow Decrease

    hey kenny at least its not my imagination so :) the tank is heavily planted so having that extra turnover was good but i guess just once it doesnt decrease anymore or totally die i can live with it i guess
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    Tetratec Flow Decrease

    :lol: yea they're open fully, i must of re-checked that one 100 times last night :lol: yea you could be right about the gunk somewhere, i took the whole thing apart and cleaned everywhere i could think of but ill probably have to do it again this weekend
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    Tetratec Flow Decrease

    Hey Nick, thanks :good: , i will take your advice and grease the seals at the weekend (do you apply vasaline to the filter case o-ring) the filter is in the same place all the time. Yea iv tried rocking it a few times & it does spurt out air but the flow stays the same. i actually also...
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    Tetratec Flow Decrease

    Hi, Iv only had my EX700 for about 2 months and have noticed a decrease in flow in the last week or 2. I initially thought it was the filter floss & removed it and cleaned half of the media and also cleaned the impeller. That made a bit of difference but the flow was still no where near when I...
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    Not Enough Fish?

    why not take them back, buy a bottle of ammonia and with your added media you'll probably have the tank cycled in 2 to 3 weeks. hopefully leading to a tank ready for a nice fish load with minimum stress on you & your fish. probably not the answer you were looking for but the best IMHO...
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    Keyhole Cichlid?

    Plus they need to be kept in a pair in at least a 30 gallon (110 litre) tank
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    180 Litre Advice

    Thanks minxfishy, wont be adding them for a few weeks but think ill definitly get a pair of keyholes (whats the recommendation for numbers, one of the books i have says a pair but i think i read elsewhere 4?) Cheers
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    180 Litre Advice

    Hi, I have a 180 litre (48 us gallons) fairly heavily planted tank which has been running since December(cloned from my 110 litre). The inhabitants are: 1 Male & 1 Female Appistogramma Borelli 12 Harlequins 8 Neon Tetra 4 Peppered Corys Just wondering if anyone could give me any advice on...
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    Step-by-step Guide To Moving And/or Upgrading An Existing Set-up

    Hi rabbut sorry for not replying, just saw your post there when i copied the link for another post. To be honest i found the post very helpful & used nearly all of the advice (i was lucky as i was able to slide the old tank on our wooden floor to make room for the new tank, which meant after 2...
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    3 Different Tanks - Moving House. Help With Moving Fish Advice&set

    Hi EY, I found this very helpful
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    In Your Opinion, Which Do You Think Would Look Better?

    presumed he meant the juwel rocky background
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    In Your Opinion, Which Do You Think Would Look Better?

    guessing it would get pretty annoying trying to get algae of the rocky structure also
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    Juwel Rekord 800

    Hey truck is that cirax stuff good? saw it the other day and was wondering what it was. Isnt the Nitrate sponge the top green one
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    Fish In Cycle Report

    hi tez, if its the first time you have had nitrite readings it sounds like you are now heading into the 2nd part of the cycle. sounds like to me you now have sufficient bacteria to convert the ammonia to nitrite, which would mean you will now have to keep up with the daily water changes until...
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    Step-by-step Guide To Moving And/or Upgrading An Existing Set-up

    Hey rabbut, i upgraded to a rio 180 last week and followed your advice and used almost 100% new water and gave the gravel a clean. I have decreased feeding since then just in case but have tested the water every day and all perfect. Thanks for all the help & great thread :good: