Tetratec Flow Decrease


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score

Iv only had my EX700 for about 2 months and have noticed a decrease in flow in the last week or 2. I initially thought it was the filter floss & removed it and cleaned half of the media and also cleaned the impeller. That made a bit of difference but the flow was still no where near when I first got it. I then cleaned the inlet and spraybar and both pipes. There was definitely a bulid up of brown algae or dirt in the pipes but when i examined them it was a tiny coating that wouldnt have any affect on flow. I washed water through them anyway and checked everywhere I could think of for blockages. When I set it all back up there was still nowhere near as much flow as there should be? (i also followed the instructions on priming it so there would be no air in the canister).

Has anyone noticed similiar problems with their tetratec or have any suggestions on something i missed?

have you moved the filter away from the tank? like downwards? as the height it has to pump water makes a difference.

also have you gived it a light shaking or rocking to check if there is any air inside? have you lubricated some of the seals and things, it is probably irrelevant to the flow but it does help maintain it as there are no leaks!
Hey Nick,

thanks :good: , i will take your advice and grease the seals at the weekend (do you apply vasaline to the filter case o-ring)

the filter is in the same place all the time. Yea iv tried rocking it a few times & it does spurt out air but the flow stays the same.
i actually also tried running it with out a any filter media but no increase.. i just ran out of ideas last night & put it back together. their is a noticeable decrease in the flow so i though maybe i was missing something fairly obvious or maybe the filter just has a bigger output when it is totally clean & brand new :huh:
yeah perhaps, have you taken everything apart? as there may be a massive amount of gunk in one particular place.

are both of the shut off valves full open?

(i know it sounds silly but i have to check)
i have the 1200,yes i have noticed when i got it wow thats powerfull but now it just seems well less powerfull,i cleaned it out a couple of weeks ago thinking that would make it run better but there wasnt that much in it to slow it.i still like the pump its never been moved or doing anything diferent,just less powerfull. it must just be the pump slows as it runs itself in.,,kenny
yeah perhaps, have you taken everything apart? as there may be a massive amount of gunk in one particular place.

are both of the shut off valves full open?

(i know it sounds silly but i have to check)

:lol: yea they're open fully, i must of re-checked that one 100 times last night :lol:

yea you could be right about the gunk somewhere, i took the whole thing apart and cleaned everywhere i could think of but ill probably have to do it again this weekend
hey kenny at least its not my imagination so :)

the tank is heavily planted so having that extra turnover was good but i guess just once it doesnt decrease anymore or totally die i can live with it i guess

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