3 Different Tanks - Moving House. Help With Moving Fish Advice&set

electric yellow

Fish Addict
Dec 27, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Victoria, Australia
Hi Guys,

I have 3 different tanks that have been established now for some time. I am moving house in a few months and ive never moved fish before. Some of my fish are two years old and quite delicate. I am really unsure of how to move them, what to move them in, how to reset up my tank the quickest and best way for them.

Obviouslly moving house is going to be hectic and i may not get to the reset up straight away but they are my priority to do. Whats the likely hood they will survive? What should i do transport them, store them? How should i transport their tank water? How long will it take the tank to settle again when i re-add the water? Should i keep some of the previous water change water to add back into the tank so it doesnt cycle again?

My stock is the following:

Tank 1 betta tank:

2x betta's (fighting fish)

Tank 2 communal tank:

2x clown loaches (2yrs old)
2x bristol nose plecs (2yrs old)
1x gold gourami (1yr old)
1x tiger barb (2yrs old)
1x neon tetra (1yr old)
4x german blue rams (6mths old)
1x albino cory (1yr old)
1x feeder fish (1yr old)

Tank 3 cichlid tank:

4x convicts (2x 2yr old 2x 4mth old)
1x electric blue (1yr old)
2x electric yellow (1x 2yr old 1x 1yr old)
2x mangianos (2yrs old)
2x yellow tail acies (2yr old)

Im particularly concerned about moving the cichlids because the move may make them more aggressive than they already are. :huh: :unsure:

All are kept in heated tanks with filtration and various tank decor so cold water transport is not an option.
Hi Guys,

I have 3 different tanks that have been established now for some time. I am moving house in a few months and ive never moved fish before. Some of my fish are two years old and quite delicate. I am really unsure of how to move them, what to move them in, how to reset up my tank the quickest and best way for them.

Obviouslly moving house is going to be hectic and i may not get to the reset up straight away but they are my priority to do. Whats the likely hood they will survive? What should i do transport them, store them? How should i transport their tank water? How long will it take the tank to settle again when i re-add the water? Should i keep some of the previous water change water to add back into the tank so it doesnt cycle again?

My stock is the following:

Tank 1 betta tank:

2x betta's (fighting fish) seperate into sepperate poly boxes with amo lock and heat packs

Tank 2 communal tank:

2x clown loaches (2yrs old)
2x bristol nose plecs (2yrs old)
1x gold gourami (1yr old)
1x tiger barb (2yrs old)
1x neon tetra (1yr old)
4x german blue rams (6mths old)
1x albino cory (1yr old)
1x feeder fish (1yr old)

Tank 3 cichlid tank:

4x convicts (2x 2yr old 2x 4mth old)
1x electric blue (1yr old)
2x electric yellow (1x 2yr old 1x 1yr old)
2x mangianos (2yrs old)
2x yellow tail acies (2yr old)

Im particularly concerned about moving the cichlids because the move may make them more aggressive than they already are. :huh: :unsure:

All are kept in heated tanks with filtration and various tank decor so cold water transport is not an option.

Fish go in poly boxes as if posting with amo lock and heat packs. I would sepperate up the species to avoid fighting, and maybe sepperate all the cichlids individually,

all filter media goes in a bucket (with lid) fillled with tank water, Place a few airstones under it and run with a battery air pump, add liquid amonia as if fishless cycling.

Try and take as much water as you can in other buckets as the ph and hardness of your new water may be a shock to your delicate species
How long will it take before i can put them back in? Is it possible to do it all in a day? Will they all survive the move?

Im not sure what you mean by poly boxes? Is the polystyrene? I didnt think that was water proof...ive never posted fish before...

I have kept all my fish bags so can individually bag the cichlids. Im not sure what to do about air and heat though. Will heat packs be adequate?

I figure if i do it all as quick as possible it wont be to bad?!? Like: move tank, refill with water from buckets, start filtration and heat and then when its settled i can wack them back in. Is it that easy?
Go to your local fish suppliers (peter barratts are quite good for this) ask them for some transport boxes, usually they have a mountain of them next to their rubbish skip and you can take as many as you like, then it is a case of procuring some fish bags and bagging the fish and putting in the boxes. Fill the box with newspaper, usually some in the boxes and maybe a heatpack if it is cold or a long distance to where you are going. Do not feed the fish for a couple of days before and make sure you get plenty of air in each bag. if unsure as your LFS to show you how to do it..

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