What Fish Could I Get For My Tank?


Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2009
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Watching fish.
I have a small one gallon tank and thinking of getting a Betta and maybe a couple pygmys. Would that be Ok?
i would say 5gal min of a betta. u want it to have a life not just live
i would say 5gal min of a betta. u want it to have a life not just live

I was just wondering. Would just a couple of Pymgys hurt, then?
Or just some small coldwater fish. just ones that are like 1/2 inch.
Or is my 1 gal. Useless?
that way to small for a fish bettas need atleast 3g on there own and 5g if you want some ygmy corys preferably more.
you could have a plant tan
i would only use it for snails or shrimp i deffo dont think its big enough for any fish if u want them to be happy
i would have to advise u that size tank is way to small for pygmys
Let's just put it to this.
Is there ANYTHING that I could put in a 1 Us Gallon Tank?
Let's just put it to this.
Is there ANYTHING that I could put in a 1 Us Gallon Tank?

As said above, snails, or a few Shrimp maybe. I have 3 Shrimp in a 5G and they are all over the place. 1 Gallon unfortunately is way too small for any fish no matter how small. The main problem is adequately filtering and heating it. apart from the fact that there is just no room for swimming.

Why not try to source a larger tank such as a 5 or 10G. You would have many more options then especially with the 10G. Even a 5 Gallon is limited, but acceptable for a Betta. You can get some pretty good bargains in Classified ads. :good:
you would need at the very LEAST 30 litres for a small shoal of pigmy corys to live happily so please dont consider them appropriate.

a 4 litre tank is not suitable for any fish
Seconded, shrimps, snails and plants would be all that would work in a 1G tank.
It's useless. Just like cramming 3 goldfish into a 6 gallon that should only have a betta or micro rasoboros in it ( for those who don't know what I'm on about, see the signature )

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