Need Help...asap!


New Member
Mar 30, 2009
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I put an Interpet No. 9 Anti Internal Bacteria meds yesterday, but then today after learning I am way overstocked I bought API liquid ammonia testing kit and tested my water eventhough my LFS tested it already and came back with these readings:

Ammonia: 0.25ppm
Nitrates: 40ppm
Nitrites: 0ppm

I was going to do a water change right away but I just realized I put the Interpet yesterday so I am NOT sure what to do now. Can PLEASE anyone advice me what to do? Thanks so much.
Stick to same thread or its gets comfusing.
If you have to preform a water change during a med course you just add the correct amount of med back to water removed.

Did you buy another filter to cope with the load of fish in the tank.
No, I am sorry but I am waiting for my hubby to come home from biz trip to get that but he is coming home tomorrow morning. So, I really need an alternative for the mo. About the meds, it says on the instructions to do another dosing after 4 days. Won't I overdose my tank? And which water change would be best for the situation, 30% with gravel cleaning or 50% without? Thanks a lot.
When did you last do a gravel vac?
You repeat the treatment in 4 days time, just follow med instructions.
If your tanks overstocked maybe wise to do it again then.
I hope I am not asking too much now but can anyone help with the percentage of the meds. I have to put 6ml Interpet diluted to 500ml water before putting to my 60 litre aquarium. If I am going to do a 30% water change how much meds do I have to dilute to how much water? Sorry I can't do maths :blush: Thanks
Just add 2ml to the water if you do a 30% water change. Looks like it 2ml to 2 gallons of water.
You can double dose the med on severe cases so it dosn't matter if you go slightly over.
Maths wasn't my strong point either lol.
LOL...I suppose if I just take 20 litres from my tank then I can put 2 ml meds on it. ^_^ Thanks for the help. And I will stick to this thred if I have anymore emergencies.
I know how much I take out of the tank as my bucket holds one gal so thats how I work it out normally.
Good Luck.
That must be a small bucket, perfect for making sand castles lol, most standard sized buckets hold around 15 litres which would be around 3.5 gallons.

Hello again!
More probs, I did 20 litres water change out of my 60 litre tank last night and my water reading were:

Before water change:
Ammonia: 0.25ppm
Nitrites: 0ppm
Nitrates: 40ppm

After water change: (I did the tests this morning)
Ammonia: 0.10ppm
Nitrites: 0.5ppm
Nitrates: 30ppm

I am in the middle of Internal Bacteria treatment at the moment and I am wondering if that's why I am having these spikes. If anyone can help I would be so greatful....thanks.
If i were you fishlover id concentrate on the ammonia level before worrying about the bacterial meds. IMHO ammonia will do far more damage than not adding the meds.

you should do as many water changes as necessary to keep that ammonia level down and when its as close to zero as possible then concentrate on adding the meds. But with that amount as fish your probably going to have to do more than one water change a day so its going to be hard to keep track of the amount of meds to replace with each water change.

Which meds are you using as most of them dont affect the biological filter, its more likely the stocking level. As i said in the other thread your going to have to get a much bigger tank or re-home some of those fish asap as it will only lead to more problems.

Hope it comes good for you

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