Fish-in Cycling Diary.


I take my fish for walks
Global Moderator ⚒️
May 2, 2009
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Just started cycling my fish tank with fish-in.

At the start this is these are the levels:

Ammonia=0.50 Nitrite=0.00 Nitrate=5.00

After a 50% water change, the levels now are:

Ammonia=0.00 Nitrite=0.00 Nitrate=5.00

I'm REALLY confused.
Looks like an OK start. Keep a track on the Ammonia and later NitrIte, and if either get up too high (above 0.25ppm/mg/l is usually a recommended cut-off point), do a sizeable water change :good:

Better still, if possible, return the fish and do a fishless cycle :nod:

All the best
Day 2.

Ammonia=0.50 Nitrite=0.00 Nitrate=5.00

going to do a water change for the ammonia.
Nitrite is getting darker.
hey josh if your ammonia is reaching that level in 24 hours you should be doing at least 2 water changes a day
Do you think thats why i lost one of my gibbiceps?
Most likely :nod: Gibby's don't like poor water quality, and poor water quality is un-avoidable in a fish-in cycle :sad:
If only I found out about cycles before I bought the fish...

Ahh, after a 25% water change the ammonia is still at 0.50 and close to 1.00

Going to do a immediate 50% water change!
some would advise to do a 50 - 70% water change every time
Ammonia was at 1.00 ppm today!
50% water change done.
Wow...I lost a whole school of tiger barbs in my fish in cycling :sad: But sounds like your doing awesome. Hang in there and stay tough for all us newbies going through fish in cycling :nod: YOU CAN DO IT!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!
Hope we all can do it.
It's going well so far :)
Just hope the Nitrite comes up a little more and starts making nitrate.
Did you cycle your tank at all before you added your fish? I waited 2 weeks and a half then add those tiger barbs they died so we got some other fish and then I found this forum.
going VERY well.

Nitrate is at 10 already!
Ahh... I ended up doing the same due to poor advise/not findding these forums.

Check the list of people willing to donate mature filter media. I did that, went to pick it up and now my cycle has finished and im on my qualifying week...

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