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  1. Rooster


    Just unplug your kit, one thing at a time until you find the culprit ! ALL AQUARIA should be run via an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) you life simply isnt worth less !
  2. Rooster

    Eheim Filter

    Yes, you would need to arrange for the water from one tank to flow into the other... you could use a simple bridge, if the two tanks are the same height AND on the same level. (or drill both and join !) Or drill one tank, and use an overflow into one underneath. Do you really need 2 tanks ...
  3. Rooster

    Gravel Vac

    I tried one of these yonks back... ended up in the bin ! Went back to the KISS syphon tube !!! (cleaning out the bag is disgusting :sick: , and it soon clogs )
  4. Rooster

    Infected Gravel Slows Down Cycle?

    Gravel holds next to ZERO bacteria, unless you are using undergravel filtration in the doner tank... even so its next to useless IMO. Fishless can take MONTHS.... its a waiting game, but it IS worth it in the end ! ;)
  5. Rooster

    Help Setting Up Tank

    Playsand is just fine.... you will ONLY get problems if decaying matter is allowed to "sink" into it.... as its so dense, this is unlikely unless you have dead plants- in which case the roots shouls be removed, as is the case with ANY substrate ! If you are a "belt and braces" person, you...
  6. Rooster

    Calculating Watts Needed With T5's

    Its just not that simple :crazy: Watts is a measurement of current, ie the amount of electricity taken.... it has NO relationship to "brightness" at all ! Take the example of "energy saving lamps" a rough guide is that a 20Watt lamp puts out the same "brightness" as a 100Watt bulb...
  7. Rooster

    Strange Light Failure

    If BOTH ends of the tube are glowing, this is showing that the heaters are on... usually this means the starter has failed - this is a cylindrical 2 pin device, always accessable - about 1 inch long.... if you remove this whilst the power is ON, the ends will go out... maybe even the tube will...
  8. Rooster

    Filter Replacement How Long Too Seed?

    Yea, give it a month or longer if possible. :good:
  9. Rooster

    Where Can I Get A New Hood?

    Cheap hoods are just that - CHEAP and nastie (and not that cheap !) If you can work a saw, why not build one ? Its really easy, and always suits your needs !
  10. Rooster

    Who Is Right

    you can grow plants without CO2 ... but it is such a boon, I would probably not try without again ! As for plastic plants - they are the work of the devil, and should be stricken from the face of the earth ! (in my opinion...)
  11. Rooster

    Pest Snails - Any Use?

    Im with Ludwig ... they are a pain in the wotsit, offer zero pros and look horrible, few botia shows em whos boss !
  12. Rooster

    Light Bulb Life

    The one and only time I kept a "spare" I couldnt find it again... then it turned up broken !!! :sick: So now I just panic buy new ones ! LOL
  13. Rooster

    Light Bulb Life

    There are SO many variables, its a tough one to answer.... I wait until the tank "tells" me a change is needed ! .... more algae, and less plant growth.
  14. Rooster

    36w Starter Unit For A 15w Tube?

    It WILL work.... some will say it will shorten the tube life, but I ran 2 foot tubes on 4 foot gear for years !
  15. Rooster

    Building A 4ft Stand On Wheels...?

    Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me :no: An aquarium is VERY top heavy... you only need to jamb a wheel whist its moving, and it will be over ! Plus the wheels would need to be seriously heavy duty... all in all, I would think again mate.
  16. Rooster

    Where Do I Keep 160 Litres Of Water For Water Change?

    For a "belt and braces job" turn off the filter(s) and heater, drain off the water - you could do 100% if you like, the water doesnt contain anything useful - thats all in your filter ! (some would say substrate too, but its so little as to be ignored) Then I would add via a bucket, but its a...
  17. Rooster

    Question About Tank Size.

    The name of this game is STABILITY, a smaller tank goes "wrong" a LOT faster than a larger tank.... having said that, if you are prepared to get into a routine, theres no reason why it wont be a complete success ! A little patience will work wonders, a fishless cycle could (and thats "could")...
  18. Rooster

    Another Fishless Cycle Problem

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Took the words :hey:
  19. Rooster

    Can We Use Normal Clay To Make Caves

    I would imagine that clay, being water soluble, was a no-no ... unless its been fired - as in plantpots etc, they are very popular. Have heard of "Fimo" being used in marine - so should be ok in freshwater (but this isnt clay !)
  20. Rooster

    Eheim Canister Filter Leaking!

    Seal is mis-seated, or missing ! If it is still there, take it off and clean out the seating, then lube her up with a good smear of petroleum jelly (vasilene etc)
  21. Rooster

    Biological Additives

    There is NO magic cure... if there was, it would cost £20 a bottle, and we all would be raving about it ! (and buying it !)
  22. Rooster

    Lighting Advice

    Same sized tank I use for breeding ! I use a single 2 foot flourescent fitting (bog standard kitchen fare, bought from an electrical retailer for £8) In this I have put a "floraglo" tube. Before this I was using an "energy saving" bulb (daylight) in a standard bayonet pendant fitting, with an...
  23. Rooster

    Sun Glo Light

    What is written on the tube ? and the packet ?
  24. Rooster

    Brought Wrong Heater

    Its fine, dont worry ! You can use a 1000 Watt heater in a teacup if you want.... the danger is that the thermostat sticks "ON" and overheats the water. (Although this should be rare these days) You do NOT need to set it colder than you need... but I would ALWAYS trust a thermometer over the...
  25. Rooster

    How To Fix Leak In Acrylic Tank?

    Probably not, but it is blindingly obvious ! lol :blush: Try sticking a couple of bits of acrylic together with superglue.... then tell me the bond isnt "good" One word of advice, buy a good brand glue - loctite etc, theres a vast difference in qualities out there.
  26. Rooster

    How To Fix Leak In Acrylic Tank?

    Superglue is "Cyanoacrylate" the clue is in the ACRYLATE :lol:
  27. Rooster

    How To Fix Leak In Acrylic Tank?

    Superglue IS acrylic adhesive ! Best to get the joint clean and dry first...
  28. Rooster

    Can I Add More Substrate

    Often add sand to "top up" the stuff I suck out with the syphon.... Just make SURE its washed and then I place it in with my hand, or an old mug ! If you are adding sand, its a good idea to turn off the filter(s) for a few mins until its settled.
  29. Rooster

    Tank Bow

    How do you know its "bowing" ? If you can SEE it happening, then NO its not normal... take it back. :crazy:
  30. Rooster


    Ive looked at most, if not all of these quick cures, and cannot see how they can work in the stated way... you can "get rid" of ammonia with chemicals - in fact you can hide most nasties with a little crafty chemistry. The stats may look fine, but I would be interested in seeing the tanks...
  31. Rooster


    Another snake oil cure as far as I can see.... :/
  32. Rooster

    Adding Ammonia

    Its easy to "see what you want" when testing.... if theres no dramatic change, I would wait at least 3 days to test again (theres no reason why you cant do it every five minutes - and I know the temptation IS to do this, but its a waste of time, and test kit !) Once you have a drop to , say 2...
  33. Rooster

    Led Lighting!

    Ive read that article and can only stick by my original conclusions... Heres the spectra from a tri-phosphor flourescent tube: Compared to the LED array: The traditional lamp has a fuller spectrum ! The proof of the pudding is that I still would like to SEE evidence from anyone who...
  34. Rooster

    Seachem Prime Help...

    From Mr Seachem... :good: For 2 gallons, you will probably want to get a 1mL pipette or syringe(most pharmacies will just give you one). Since 5mL treats 50 gallons, you will only need a couple of drops to treat that amount of water(1 mL is approximately 20 drops). This is the best way...
  35. Rooster

    New 10 Litres Tank

    Have you tried cleaning it/giving it a whack ! One of my internals' is sometimes lazy to restart - needs a real "kick" sometimes :crazy:
  36. Rooster

    Seachem Prime Help...

    Always used Tetra Aquasafe but costs are a getting out of hand, so Im swapping to SC Prime. I prefer to use a good old fashioned bucket for water changes.... 2 gallons right ? So how the heck do you measure such a small amount of Prime ? According to SC themselves, a couple of DROPS will...
  37. Rooster

    Could Bigger Filter Help

    If the quality is "good" it aint gonna get any better !!! Unless you plan on upping stocks dramatically, I would look elsewhere for a new toy ! :lol: Larger filters do NOT filter "more" they simply have a larger capacity.... they can process more, errr, waste in a quicker time - yours...
  38. Rooster

    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    Its a personal choice, do you want to own fish, or care for fish ? We must write out 100 times, "I must not subject fish-in posters to boiling oil" !!!!! LOL :lol: I think anyone worth their salt must go the fish-less way...
  39. Rooster

    Adding Ammonia

    Forget all about complicated maths.... use your test kit, and add a few drops until you hit the required % ! Then aim at keeping it there.... dont test every day - its a waste, do 2nd test after a week. This is a "watched kettle" game.... you can understand why folk want to skip the...
  40. Rooster

    Led Lighting!

    Take a torch, any torch will do - now shine it into a tank of water.... you'll probably end up with a 3 inch disk of light on the bottom... now work out how many torches you would need to COVER AN ENTIRE TANK.... The torch analogy is a good one, because manufacturers jack up their brightness...