New 10 Litres Tank


New Member
Jul 26, 2008
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Hi everyone,

I bought a 10 litre fish tank 2 weeks ago, complete with both an internal power filter and an underground filter. Now, everything has worked fine for the last change of water, but when I did my change of water today, I realised that I couldn't start up my internal power filter.

Power filter: Resun SP-500

What are your recommendations? Is there a way to fix it or do I have to change to another filter?
You quite positive this is a 10 liter and not a 10 gal???.... cause I cannot see why a 10L would need undergravel plus power??
Have you tried cleaning it/giving it a whack ! One of my internals' is sometimes lazy to restart - needs a real "kick" sometimes :crazy:
I've learnt not to put too much trust in China products. They said capacity - 10 litres. Then they gave me the Length: 28.5, Width: 25 and Height: 39.5. All measurements in cm.

It obviously isn't 10 litres. Based on Eheim's online calculator, they gave me an estimated water capacity of 28 litres.

LOL. That's miles away.

Anyway, I'll just bring the pump back to the LFS since no amount of hitting actually helped.

EDIT: The LFS wasn't open, so I went to another, and they sold me a Atman filter. Has anyone used it? Is it good?

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