Lighting Advice


Always room for one more tank...
May 3, 2008
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Beds, UK
I've never really bothered with lighting before now but I'm about to set up a breeding tank in my loft, and need some form of lighting for live plants.

I know nothing whatsoever about lighting so could someone point me in the direction of a (either cheap or second hand) lighting kit. I know nothing about the different types of kit, bulbs or wattage so idiot-speak would be appreciated.


Either that or some general pointers on what I'm looking for. The tank is 30x18x12 and will be quite densely planted with some hardy plants - java fern and the like.
Same sized tank I use for breeding ! I use a single 2 foot flourescent fitting (bog standard kitchen fare, bought from an electrical retailer for £8) In this I have put a "floraglo" tube.

Before this I was using an "energy saving" bulb (daylight) in a standard bayonet pendant fitting, with an ally "shade" to relect most of the light.

Both these were (are !) suspended from a shelf above the tank, but it would be easy enough to lash something up to attatch it to the tank if desired... I prefer this method, because its dead easy to move the lamp out of the way to get into the tank.
That sounds like a pretty good idea, thanks rooster. I can easily hang it from one of the roof rafters.

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