Question About Tank Size.


New Member
Aug 6, 2008
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I am a total newbie to tropical fish and the like, I have always thought tropical fish are very calming and pretty to look at and yesterday I started looking in to getting a fish tank! I then stumbled on this forum and have been reading all the pinned topics like "Step By Step Guide To Setting Up An Aquarium" for example, in order to minimize the mistakes I will make when starting this hobby.

Anyway, I want my fish tank in my room upstairs, it does not have much space so I want a small tank with maybe 4 or 5 very small fish in to start off with. I also love the little dwarf frogs you can get so I may add a couple of those in the future

In one of the guides I read it says that you should not get a tiny tank for your first one because of problems with temperature fluctuations and pollutants will be more heavily concentrated, so a larger tank would be better. However as I already explained I have limited space and I am not sure I want the commitment of buying a huge tank until I am realy in to aquatics.

So my question is, will a small tank (40Litres or so) be suitible for me? Keeping in mind I do not want a lot of fish, and the fish are going to be very small.

I realise this is a lot to read through! So any replys I will be very thankful!

it's totally upto u m8 40L will be fine for a starter but u could get a 60L which measurements would be roughly 24x14x12 which is still relitively small but still very managable , fish wise would depend on tank size, have u got any fish in mind? , also read through the fishless cycle thread at the top of this section very informative and helpful 2 newbies ,as ur doing a fishless cycle it gives u plenty of time 2 reasearch wot fish u like the look of:)

hope that helped :)

it's totally upto u m8 40L will be fine for a starter but u could get a 60L which measurements would be roughly 24x14x12 which is still relitively small but still very managable , fish wise would depend on tank size, have u got any fish in mind? , also read through the fishless cycle thread at the top of this section very informative and helpful 2 newbies ,as ur doing a fishless cycle it gives u plenty of time 2 reasearch wot fish u like the look of:)

hope that helped :)

Ok thanks for the quick reply, I may be able to find space for a 60L but if not it will be a 40L. I have already read up on the fishless cycle earlier today from that topic, I had no idea what it was before hand, but now I am pretty confident that with a bit of patience I will be able to cycle my tank fine. :) As for fish I have no idea realy yet, I looked in my LFS (yes I have been reading a lot of topics on here lol) today and saw some different types I like. But I will do a load of research on them once I start cycling the tank as you advised!

The name of this game is STABILITY, a smaller tank goes "wrong" a LOT faster than a larger tank.... having said that, if you are prepared to get into a routine, theres no reason why it wont be a complete success !

A little patience will work wonders, a fishless cycle could (and thats "could") take a couple of months, but its well worth the wait... foundation work now will pay dividends later.

Try and decide on a theme NOW, and collect the approriate bits... first thing to get is a good liquid test kit - most of us on here prefer API, but there are a few to choose from - a "master" kit would give you all the tests you need.

Choose a good solid site for your tank - water weighs more than you think !

Welcome to a brilliant hobby.... but be careful, its addictive !

I am a total newbie to tropical fish and the like, I have always thought tropical fish are very calming and pretty to look at and yesterday I started looking in to getting a fish tank! I then stumbled on this forum and have been reading all the pinned topics like "Step By Step Guide To Setting Up An Aquarium" for example, in order to minimize the mistakes I will make when starting this hobby.

Anyway, I want my fish tank in my room upstairs, it does not have much space so I want a small tank with maybe 4 or 5 very small fish in to start off with. I also love the little dwarf frogs you can get so I may add a couple of those in the future

In one of the guides I read it says that you should not get a tiny tank for your first one because of problems with temperature fluctuations and pollutants will be more heavily concentrated, so a larger tank would be better. However as I already explained I have limited space and I am not sure I want the commitment of buying a huge tank until I am realy in to aquatics.

So my question is, will a small tank (40Litres or so) be suitible for me? Keeping in mind I do not want a lot of fish, and the fish are going to be very small.

I realise this is a lot to read through! So any replys I will be very thankful!


A 10 gallon tank is pretty standard for starters. You should have no problem with this as long as you keep up with water changes, don't over stock, and take advice given to you on this forum! :good:
Thanks Rooster and Discus, I will now start thinking about a theme and will be buying a 40L-60L tank in the near future! Will be sure to ask on here about any other quierys I have - better to ask a lot of questions than to make mistakes I think!
u hit nail on the head there m8 and we are always here 2 answer any questions u may have :)

Will be sure to ask on here about any other quierys I have - better to ask a lot of questions than to make mistakes I think!

Welcome, Ben; I wish all newbies thought the way you do. It'd save a lot of us typing the same replies to the same things again and again. First, find a decent shop and stick to it. Even as a newbie, it's quite easy to know a healthy looking fish when you see one. As you're just starting, I'll tell you what I think is most important: read, research then read and research some more. Whatever you're buying, whether it be fish or plants, don't do it on impulse, come here first and ask whatever you like. Difficult I know, especially when you see THAT fish you want. IMO, what you really need to do (especially starting with a small tank) is to get used to doing regular water changes, very important in a small tank. Shouldn't take very long in a 40/60l. Have you thought about an Aquacube? - I think they're rather fabulous for the money. Try to get used to the idea early on that you're keeping water, not fish. I can promise you one thing - you'll soon want a bigger tank. That's what happens. Never be afraid to ask questions here; better to ask questions and be sure than to buy in haste and have to solve a problem. There's people here from around the world, so whatever time you visit, there'll be someone about. Welcome to the hobby, and, most of all ENJOY IT.
Ben, something you may not have thought about is which fish appeal to you. If they are small fish that only get an inch or two then the 40 litre will be fine. If your interest runs to bigger fish, your investment in a 40 will be a waste of money. I don't want to discourage you from what you like but don't want you to end up frustrated by what you can and cannot have in your new tank either. I have several 10 gallon, 40 litre, tanks and enjoy them but I know which of my fish can go into them and when I want something bigger, I have larger tanks that I can put them in. The "other tanks" is something most people starting out don't have.
I just want to say ur a very responsibe fish keeper already just for reading everything u did and coming here for advice :good: .As far as tank size I would recomend a 20 gallon (75 litter) that way its still quite managable, shouldnt be too expensive and gives your more options as far as what fish you keep. Water changes on a tank this size are very easy (it takes about half an hour for me to do a 30-40% change in my 60 gallon so it should take you about 15-20 minutes when u get the hang of it) Also with a 10 gallon your very limited to the fish you can keep. The way u sound to me seems like you will get in the hobby pretty quick. With a 10 gallon after a few monthes it will get old and you will want to upgrade at least with a 20 gallon it will keep you interested a little longer. Finnaly just have fun in a responsible way :good:

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