Light Bulb Life

Log Man55

New Member
Aug 5, 2008
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I have a tank with live plants - how long would you expect to run standard aqua glo or sun glo bulbs?

the plastic reflector in the standard kit has split. At some point I guess I'll replace it. Any suggestions on suitable materials amnd sources - I assume its something even a kack handed DIY person should be able to do. My local supply sore had nothing suitbale but i've not checked out the local hardware store yet.
In terms of UV bulbs for reptiles, strictly speaking any bulb which is required to output UVA and/or UVB start to diteriorate after 6 months. For optimum results replace every months, most people leave them a few years and by this time the bulb output may have bee degaded by anything from 40-60% (ish) if you can afford it to, i reccomend every 6 months, if your a little skinter 12 months is fine, depends on cash and how fussy you are for perfection. A reef tank for eqample, its worth replacing 6 monthly...

Anyway, thats my opinion, im sure others will give theirs too! :p
There are SO many variables, its a tough one to answer.... I wait until the tank "tells" me a change is needed ! .... more algae, and less plant growth.
There are SO many variables, its a tough one to answer.... I wait until the tank "tells" me a change is needed ! .... more algae, and less plant growth.

Rooster, i agree, best bet is always to be 1 bulb ahead, one the algae starts etc, change to the spare and buy another in!

The one and only time I kept a "spare" I couldnt find it again... then it turned up broken !!! :sick: So now I just panic buy new ones ! LOL

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