Building A 4ft Stand On Wheels...?


Fish Crazy
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
North East UK
Can it be done?

Piece of solid wood sitting on 6 wheeled supports. The whole thing will be no more than 24" in height. :)

At some point or another I'm going to have to access the back of tv (which hangs above tank). Instead of unhooking the tv over and above would be easier to wheel the tank out of the alcove. The tank will be wheeled no more than 3ft forward..then back again. This would greatly help maintainance access around tank also. When the tank is in place, the wheels could be bracked/chocked....also use tie cords that hook from the stand rear to the alcove wall.

Measurements of tank: 48"H x 20"W X 24"H

What do you think guys, Is it safe to move a tank this size on wheels....?
Can it be done?

Piece of solid wood sitting on 6 wheeled supports. The whole thing will be no more than 24" in height. :)

At some point or another I'm going to have to access the back of tv (which hangs above tank). Instead of unhooking the tv over and above would be easier to wheel the tank out of the alcove. The tank will be wheeled no more than 3ft forward..then back again. This would greatly help maintainance access around tank also. When the tank is in place, the wheels could be bracked/chocked....also use tie cords that hook from the stand rear to the alcove wall.

Measurements of tank: 48"H x 20"W X 24"H

What do you think guys, Is it safe to move a tank this size on wheels....?

Can it be done? Yes. Is it advisable? NO

There are too many factors that could go wrong.

- Vibration from wheels could cause the tank to crack.
- Stress to the fish
- Wheel buckles when moving and tank tips forward.
- Way too much weight etc
Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me :no:
An aquarium is VERY top heavy... you only need to jamb a wheel whist its moving, and it will be over !
Plus the wheels would need to be seriously heavy duty... all in all, I would think again mate.
Noooo dont do it, that amount of weight on the top would be unstable IMO and have you ever tried pushing that size tank even half full ??
I'm thinking fairly wide nylon wheels (cylander like) built inside the legs. Only say an inch of the wheel will be showing. The tank will be moved very slowely 2-3ft forward in a straight line, then back...this will be the only movement it will make and very rarely be moved. The stand will be attached with cord to drilled in hooks on the alcove rear wall.

With how slowely this tank would be moved..I don't think it would unsettle the water/fish to much. The vibration/weight could be possible issues though.....
Initially it seems reasonable idea, but really the weight is likely to be huge for a reasonable sized tank. A litre of water weighs around 1kg and to move slowly would be incredibly difficult.
yes it can be done and no it is not hard but one thing i will say is dont i can see things going bad fast if you was to try and move it with all that water in it wich is the hole point of this would you be able to stop it and let on go down the line that if your fool is not flat or you have a split level floor i can go on and on telling you resons not to but i can not think of one to tell you why to
given that the tank & water will weigh about 400kg, and all the weight is high up; it is not something I would even contemplate unless absolutely essential.... & then I would seriously think about either putting it somewhere else or getting a smaller tank...

personally I would look at moving the TV or re-engineering the fixings, safer by a long way and probably a lot cheaper too.
Try to relocate the telly; if you argue with gravity there's only going to be one winner............
If it was a good idea, stands would come with wheels. Expect the wheels to cause damage to the floor. Thats a lot of weight being applied in a small area.
I agree, all that weight on six little wheels could be very bad. They could end up breaking right through the floor, which could lead to the tank tipping, cracking, or even just falling apart from the stress. If this is on carpet or even wood flooring, the weight on the wheels would probably create depressions that the wheels would settle down into and then you wouldn't be able to move it anyways. At first I thought it might be a good idea, but after thinking about it a bit more I don't really think that anymore.

If this happens to be on a level concrete floor it might be doable with more heavy duty wheels. Maybe up to 12 even, but I'm guessing this isn't the case.
if you are intent on a moveable tank and it only has to go in a straight line then a rail system would be the way to go.

you could spread the weight under the rails with sleepers and if done properly there should be no problems with differential settlement or obstructions.

a hell of a lot of work though...
To take this thread a slightly different way would it be a good idea to make a tank stand for a 240ltr out of angle section and 1 inch box section. Box section for the legs and angle section at the top for the tank to sit into. i was also thinking of making it in 2 pieces as i have to put it up stairs. Would this be practible,and also would the weight be a concern on the 1 inch box section?

Any advice would be gratefully recieved Chers Dru :good:
To take this thread a slightly different way would it be a good idea to make a tank stand for a 240ltr out of angle section and 1 inch box section. Box section for the legs and angle section at the top for the tank to sit into. i was also thinking of making it in 2 pieces as i have to put it up stairs. Would this be practible,and also would the weight be a concern on the 1 inch box section?

Any advice would be gratefully recieved Chers Dru :good:

Hi Dru,

Probably best to make a new thread rather than hijack Guns. It saves people who scan to get confused and lose their bearing.

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