Seachem Prime Help...


Fish Herder
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham UK
Always used Tetra Aquasafe but costs are a getting out of hand, so Im swapping to SC Prime.

I prefer to use a good old fashioned bucket for water changes.... 2 gallons right ? So how the heck do you measure such a small amount of Prime ?

According to SC themselves, a couple of DROPS will be enough for a bucket - this seems an alarmingly small amount to me - PLEASE REASSURE me ! :blush:

Usually each bucket gets at least a teaspoon of Aquasafe... tints the water, so HOW can 2 drops do the same ?
Hey Rooster,

I've been switching over from API StressCoat to Seachem Prime and you're right, its weird to go down to such little amounts, but it seems to work fine in my experience. Here's one thing that might help reassure you, lol, give it a sniff - the stuff really stinks -- extra concentrated.

Now of course, MW and some of them are still out ahead of us and finding some even cheaper Pond stuff, but for me, for now, this level of concentration will make things cheap enough for me for a long time with Oliver's little 106L.

Oh, and here's an interesting tidbit if you missed it (really mostly relevant to fishless cycling) but Hovanec is saying that we might be wise to measure pretty carefully as it may be that our bacteria really do not like too much extra of the conditioner being put in the tank - this just a recent thing and really doesn't apply to mature media.

Two drops per gallon is the standard dosage, the few times I still use buckets I double dose, 20 drops for a 5 gallon bucket.

Waterdrop; Do you have a link to that info?
2 drops a gallon should be plenty. This stuff smells worse than my fart so it has to be good and it doesnt have any of the bogus slime coat helping additives. I believe it neutralizes ammonia nitrite and nitrate too, so if you ever have a spike, you can just dose it again.
Two drops per gallon is the standard dosage, the few times I still use buckets I double dose, 20 drops for a 5 gallon bucket.

Waterdrop; Do you have a link to that info?

<a href=";#entry2065194" target="_blank">;#entry2065194</a>

He dropped in for a few days in a heated debate about bottled bacteria products. It drifted off the main point a bit, ended up covering quite a bit of territory relating to aquarium bacteria.

He didn't name brands, though. I assumed (maybe wrongly rereading the post) at the time it was ones that also target ammonia/nitrite/nitrate, and overdosing would continue to remove it from the tank and have a similar effect to zeolite, starving the biofilter.
I think it works out approx 1 drop for every 2 litres.
2 UK Gallon bucket holds just over 9 litres so 5 drops of Prime but being a bit paranoid I always put a couple of drops more :lol:
I think it works out approx 1 drop for every 2 litres.
2 UK Gallon bucket holds just over 9 litres so 5 drops of Prime but being a bit paranoid I always put a couple of drops more :lol:

From Mr Seachem... :good:

For 2 gallons, you will probably want to get a 1mL
pipette or syringe(most pharmacies will just give you
one). Since 5mL treats 50 gallons, you will only need a
couple of drops to treat that amount of water(1 mL is
approximately 20 drops). This is the best way to dose
such a small quantity of water; we appreciate your
consideration in trying this product and hope you find it
to be helpful!
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