Eheim Filter


Fish Crazy
Apr 10, 2007
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I am using an eheim ecco 2236 on a 55 gallon tank right now. I would like to get two smaller tanks and I'm wondering if there was anything I could use to split the tubing so that I could run the filter for the two smaller tanks?
Only way would be to have the flow in to one take the trickel into the other tank and then out to the filter.

If you split the pipes if one side blocks the other will flood.
Yes, you would need to arrange for the water from one tank to flow into the other... you could use a simple bridge, if the two tanks are the same height AND on the same level. (or drill both and join !)

Or drill one tank, and use an overflow into one underneath.

Do you really need 2 tanks ? could you not use one with a divider ?
Wow, I feel really stupid haha. A tank divider did not even cross my mind haha. Thanks for the advice

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